SENZATIONAL! Universitatea „Cuza”, proprietara unui obiect uluitor! Chiar daca este un SIMBOL al Romaniei, acesta este la un pas de DISPARITIE

 Incompetenta si ignoranta fostilor conducatori ai Universitatii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” – UAIC din Iasi a facut ca, din pacate, un obiect simbol al Romaniei sa fie pierdut pentru totdeauna • Trist este ca ambarcatiunea va ajunge la fier vechi! • Acesta a iesit la suprafata, in urma cu ceva ani, chiar pe fundul lacului Bicaz • „Este de datoria noastra sa protejam si sa reintregim patrimoniul Universitatii. Personal, nu as fi dat la fier vechi nava «Emil Racovita», simbol al cercetarii stiintifice din perimetrul lacului Bicaz!”, a transmis prof. univ. dr. Tudorel Toader, rectorul de la „Cuza”

Delasarea si indiferenta crasa a fostilor indivizi care s-au aflat, efemer si fara importanta, la conducerea Universitatii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” (UAIC), au facut ca un interesant si valoros simbol al Romaniei sa se degradeze iremediabil.

In prim-planul acestei povesti sunt chiar faimosul biolog si expeditionar Emil Racovita si, respectiv, faimosul vas care-i poarta numele. Trist, dar adevarat! Acesta va ajunge la fier vechi.

Ambarcatiunea a iesit la suprafata, in urma cu aproximativ doi ani, chiar pe fundul lacului Bicaz. „Este de datoria noastra sa protejam si sa reintregim patrimoniul Universitatii. Personal, nu as fi dat la fier vechi nava «Emil Racovita», simbol al cercetarii stiintifice din perimetrul lacului Bicaz!”, a transmis prof. univ. dr. Tudorel Toader, rectorul de la „Cuza”. Astfel, nava iese la suprafata atunci cand nivelul apelor lacului scade foarte mult, cu aproximativ 20 de metri. Ea poate fi observata de pe malul de langa soseaua care duce spre Izvorul Alb, in imediata apropiere a barajului de la Bicaz.

Datele arata ca, proprietate a UAIC, vasul a fost în litigiu si a fost abandonat pe fundul lacului. Vasul avea un motor nemtesc si interiorul din lemn de mahon de cea mai buna calitate. Acesta a ajuns pe lacul Bicaz dupa anul 1990, dar si-a tot schimbat proprietarii. In final, a ramas abandonat si, in timp, s-a scufundat.

„Misiunea de cercetare a Statiunii Biologice de la Potoci – Universitatea «Cuza» a fost sintetizata si aplicata într-o metodologie holist-integratoare care a presupus explorarea plurifactoriala a fenomenelor lacustre studiate. S-a realizat o fundamentare a diagnozei ecologice a ecosistemelor afectate de constructia hidroenergetica, iar fluxul cercetarilor multianuale a orientat înca de la înfiintare profilul statiunii, astfel încât sa asigure si conditii de practica studenteasca de teren, apropiind studentii si cercetatorii de explorarea directa a fenomenelor naturii. Construirea si dotarea laboratoarelor cu echipamente moderne de cercetare, respectiv asigurarea cercetarilor lacustre cu nava «Emil Racovita» si ulterior cu nava de cercetari ACVAPUR din cadrul Statiunii”, se arata in descrierea oficiala a Statiunii ce apartine Universitatii „Cuza”.

Publicație : Bună Ziua Iași

Multe facultăţi din Iași și-au acoperit deja, pe hârtie, locurile de la buget

 Universităţile din Iaşi au finalizat o nouă zi de admitere în care s-a înregistrat un număr mare, peste aşteptări, de dosare depuse la principalele instituţii de învăţământ superior din capitala Moldovei.

„Cuza” – Astfel, după ce ieri nu a reuşit să contabilizeze toate dosarele primite online, Universitatea „Al.I. Cuza” a raportat astăzi un număr record de dosare depuse – 3.644 în primele două zile, bună parte dintre facultăţi acoperindu-şi deja, pe hârtie, locurile de la buget. Astfel, la Facultatea de Drept sunt deja 297 de candidaţi pe 198 de locuri bugetate, la Educaţie Fizică şi Sport sunt 150 de dosare pe 119 locuri, la Filosofie şi Ştiinţe Social-Politice sunt 376 de dosare pe 312 locuri, la Informatică – 333 pe 281 de poziţii bugetate, la Litere 432 dosare depuse pentru 423 de locuri scoase la buget, iar Matematica şi Psihologia continuă trendul pozitiv din ultimii ani, prima având deja 177 de candidaturi pe 138 de locuri, în timp ce la a doua sunt depuse 601 dosare pentru 364 de locuri. Astfel, în condiţiile în care la nivelul întregii universităţi UAIC a scos la concurs 3.500 de locuri la buget, au fost depuse mai multe dosare, 3.644. Cel mai probabil, în zilele următoare vor fi acoperite şi diferenţa de locuri la buget de la facultăţile care încă mai au astfel de locuri, urmând a vedea ce poziţii rămân libere pentru admiterea din toamnă ca să ne putem face o impresie – câţi dintre candidaţi au confirmat locurile şi câţi şi-au retras dosarele. În continuare, cele mai puţine dosare depuse la UAIC sunt la Facultatea de Teologie Romano-Catolică, 7 pe 21 de locuri la buget. Şi la master au fost depuse 842 de dosare pe 2.100 de locuri la buget, cele mai multe – 216, la Facultatea de Economie şi Administrarea Afacerilor.

UMF – La Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Grigore T. Popa” au fost cu 50% mai mulţi candidaţi astăzi decât ieri. Astfel, şi UMF şi-a acoperit deja locurile la buget pe hârtie, la nivelul întregii universităţi, prin prisma faptului că există 522 de candidaţi înscrişi ieri, 857 în total, pentru 725 de locuri la buget. În mod concret, la Facultatea de Medicină Generală s-au ocupat toate locurile la toate specializările, iar la Facultatea de Medicină Dentară mai sunt câteva locuri la Tehnică Dentară, unde sunt 23 de candidaţi pe 34 de locuri. La Facultatea de Farmacie sunt 43 de candidaţi pe 99 de locuri la buget, o situaţie similară fiind şi la Bioinginerie Medicală.

USAMV – Şi la Agronomie, numărul de dosare a crescut astăzi faţă de ieri, fiind 145 de dosare depuse, faţă de 81, câte au fost luni, în total 226. Cei mai puţini candidaţi sunt la Facultatea de Horticultură, cu 18 dosare pe 132 de locuri, iar cei mai mulţi la Facultatea de Agricultură – 103 pe cele 275 de locuri.

Publicație : Ziarul de Iași


Facultatea de Atomatică şi Calculatoare, prima în topul preferințelor la înscrieri

 Peste o mie de candidaţi şi-au depus deja dosarele la Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” (TUIASI), mai bine de jumătate dintre aceştia depunându-şi dosarele în cursul zilei de ieri.

Candidaţii de la TUIASI au posibilitatea ca, depunând un gur dosar şi plătind o singură taxă, să se înscrie la mai multe facultăţi şi specializări ale Politehnicii ieşene, pe site-ul TUIASI fiind menţionată, în timp real, doar prima opţiune a candidatului.

Astfel, cei mai mulţi candidaţi, aproape o treime, au menţionat ca primă opţiune Facultatea de Atomatică şi Calculatoare, unde sunt depuse 311 dosare pentru locurile la buget şi şase pentru cele la taxă. De asemenea, la Facultatea de Electronică, Telecomunicaţii şi Tehnologia Informaţiei au fost depuse 161 de dosare pentru locurile la buget şi 5 pentru cele la taxă, dintre acestea 96, respectiv 4 doar în cursul zilei de ieri. Un număr mare de candidaţi au specificat ca primă opţiune Facultatea de Mecanică, unde sunt depuse 147 de dosare la locurile la buget şi 13 pentru cele la taxă. La Facultatea de Arhitectură, unde se încheie perioada de admitere pe 18 iulie, au fost depuse până acum 112 dosare pentru locurile la buget. De asemenea, la Construcţii şi Instalaţii au fost depuse 89 de dosare la buget şi 5 la taxă, la Inginerie Electrică, Energetică şi Informatică Aplicată au fost depuse 84 de dosare la buget şi 2 la taxă, iar la Facultatea de Hidrotehnică, Geodezie şi Ingineria Mediului au fost depuse 41 de dosare la buget.

Pentru Facultatea de Automatică şi Calculatoare, perioada de admitere se încheie pe 20 iulie, urmând ca pentru celelalte facultăţi să se poată depune dosare până pe 25 iulie.

La studiile de masterat, în cursul zilei de ieri, au fost depuse 100 de dosare, 98 la buget şi 2 la taxă, în total fiind depuse 416 dosare la buget şi 6 la taxă.

Publicație : Ziarul de Iași


Masterclass de Cânt Bizantin, organizat la Iaşi la Universitatea de Arte

 Universitatea de Arte „George Enescu“ organizează o nouă ediţie a Masterclassului de Cânt Bizantin, începând de luni, 15 iulie, şi până joi, 19 iulie. Aceasta este cea de-a XII-a ediţie a manifestării culturale, festivitatea de deschidere având loc ieri în aula UNAGE, evenimentul fiind organizat în parteneriat cu Mitropolia Moldovei şi Bucovinei, Asociaţia Culturală „Byzantion” şi Primăria Municipiului Iaşi. 

Într-un material publicat de portalul este precizat faptul că în această perioadă vor avea loc cursuri practice de interpretare psaltică şi tehnică de cânt, prezentări teoretice de paleografie, muzicologie sau de istorie a mzuicii. Primul curs de interpretare psaltică a şi avut loc ieri, susţinut de maestrul Panagiotis Neochoritis, Arhonte Protopsalt al Patriarhiei Ecumenice, iar de la 12.30, monahul Filotheu Bălan de la Mănăstirea Petru Vodă – Neamţ, cercetător şi editor de carte patristică şi muzicală, a lansat lucrarea „Imnul Acatist al Maicii Domnului”. De la ora 13, părintele arhidiacon Răzvan Constantin Ştefan, profesor la Seminarul Teologic Ortodox din Bucureşti, a prezentat repertoriului dogmaticilor Octoihului – Tradiţie şi continuitate în melosul dogmaticelor Octoihului din secolul al XI-lea până în secolul al XIX-lea. Programul va continua în zilele următoare cu conferinţe şi lecţii practice tematice.

Publicație : Ziarul de Iași

Ești student, dar ai peste 26 de ani, nu mai mergi gratuit cu trenul

Numărul călătoriilor gratuite cu trenul pentru studenți va fi limitat la 12. Anunțul a fost făcut, recent, chiar de ministrul Finanțelor Eugen Teodorovici.

Președintele executiv al PSD a declarat că Guvernul va adopta un act normativ în acest sens.

Limită de vârstă

Pe lângă scăderea numărului de călătorii, limita de vârstă pentru a beneficia de gratuitate ar urma să ajungă la 26 de ani. În același timp, Teodorovici mai dorește ca studenții care nu muncesc pe perioada verii să nu își mai primească bursele de merit. În replică, Alianţa Naţională a Organizaţiilor Studenţeşti din România (ANOSR) a solicitat Executivului să oprească orice demers referitor la limitarea gratuității călătoriilor cu trenul și condiționarea studenților cu privire la bursele de merit pe timpul verii.

Publicație : Evenimentul Zilei

Moon landings: Apollo 11 celebrated in Cambridge University maps

Old maps of the Moon and stars are being shared to mark 50 years since the first manned lunar landing.

Some will feature in a series of tweets by Cambridge University Library during the eight days coinciding with the dates of the momentous voyage in 1969.

They include a „rare” rubbing of a 12th Century Chinese map of the stars.

„We as a species have been recording, researching and documenting the moon through the ages,” library assistant Priyanka Pais said.

Apollo 11 launched from the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral on 16 July 1969, with three astronauts on board – Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin „Buzz” Aldrin. They reached the moon on 20 July and returned to Earth on 24 July.

The university library holds a vast collection of maps and other records spanning centuries of interest in the stars and planets.

A selection of these will feature in social media posts marking the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission.

They include images from Andreas Cellarius’s „Harmonia macrocosmica”, an atlas of the stars published in 1661.

It is considered to be one of the most notable works of celestial cartography produced during the early years of Dutch and Flemish cartography.

The lunar module touched down in the Sea of Tranquillity on the surface of the Moon.

A 1742 map showing the Mare Tranquillitatis, created by German mathematician, astronomer, and cartographer Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr, will be one of those featured in the library tweets.

Among the rarer items in the map room collection is a rubbing of a Chinese map of the stars originally made in about 1190 for the Song Emperor.

The original map is now lost but in 1247 a copy was engraved on a slab of stone known as a stele.

The 19th Century rubbing from this stone copy held in the collection „is rare because they don’t now allow people to rub it anymore, and also the paper used for this one was very soft and not much of that sort of material survives”, Anne Taylor, head of the map department, said.

Ahead of the Apollo 11 mission, Nasa worked with the United States Geological Survey producing and publishing hundreds of geological maps of potential early Apollo landing sites on the moon.

Copes of most of those maps are also held at the library.

It also has copies of national and local newspaper coverage from the time of the Apollo 11 mission, which offer a fascinating insight into the „Moon fever” that gripped the world.

Many local businesses jumped on the bandwagon including aptly-named George Moon, a Cambridge lingerie shop which advertised it sold „corsets – not spacesuits”.

A space-themed trail – To the Moon and Back – is also planned for next month, which will take visitors through the library’s collection.

Publicație : BBC News


Student verdicts on courses a reminder of Augar debate complexities

Student satisfaction appears to be higher with some humanities courses like history, and lower with certain STEM subjects

Fears about the impact that the Augar review of post-18 education in England could have on funding some subjects – particularly the arts, humanities and social sciences – have been voiced by some pretty influential people over the past few weeks.

Chief among the concerns seems to be that decisions about which courses get replacement funding for any cut in fees to £7,500 could be heavily reliant on controversial data on graduate earnings. The review recommends that the government should shift the replacement funding “to reflect more accurately the subject’s reasonable costs and its social and economic value to students and taxpayers”.

Although the Augar report suggests that there should be careful consideration about which subjects are “socially desirable” even where graduate earnings are not high, the worry is that funding decisions could be based purely on the monetary returns from studying certain subjects – or even on the whims and preferences of politicians.

Of course, the likelihood of Augar even being implemented hangs in the balance, but it has brought certain issues to the fore around drawing broad distinctions between arts, humanities and social sciences (AHSS) on one side and science, technology, engineering and maths on the other.

The latest results of the National Student Survey, published this month, could now add another aspect to this discussion: how satisfaction with courses varies between STEM and AHSS subjects.

Could the Augar recommendations, if implemented, incentivise universities towards providing some courses that receive relatively low satisfaction scores from the students who take them?

Average responses by full-time students to the main NSS question 27 – whether students are satisfied with the quality of their course – show interesting differences by subject, and they certainly do not appear to follow STEM/AHSS lines.

For instance, although there are STEM and AHSS subject areas that gain similar scores to the overall average for NSS course satisfaction – such as social sciences, medicine and law – others are quite different.

History, philosophy and theology – a subject group that does not tend to produce the highest-earning graduates, according to the Department for Education’s longitudinal education outcomes data – seem to get the highest course average in the NSS, with a satisfaction score of 89 per cent.

Meanwhile, the lowest average ratings for question 27 are for computing (with 78 per cent), and engineering and technology (at 79 per cent) two subjects often thought of as having the best employment and earnings prospects.

It is true that some STEM subjects do very well in the NSS while some AHSS fields do not: communications and media courses get an average of 79 per cent and creative arts and design fare little better with 80 per cent. At the other end of the scale, students seem relatively satisfied with physical sciences and maths, whose courses gain an average satisfaction rating of 88 and 87 per cent respectively.

Just as with nuances in the LEO data, which reveal that even within seemingly high-earning STEM subjects there are still courses that lead to lower returns, it is perhaps another reminder that splitting debates along AHSS and STEM lines is not always simple.

A recent British Academy-commissioned report on the longer-term employment prospects of AHSS graduates may also add fuel to the argument that there are hidden subtleties to the AHSS/STEM divide.

Although the London Economics study – which used the UK Labour Force Survey to look at employment trends over the past 20 years – found that generally the average hourly pay of AHSS graduates was “consistently below that of STEM graduates”, social science graduates earn much more than those who took other AHSS degrees.

Men „in possession of undergraduate degrees in social sciences register a 22 per cent per hour wage premium compared to all other AHSS degree holders, while the corresponding estimate for females stands at approximately 12 per cent”, the report states.

It also notes that overall “AHSS graduates are more likely to change sector and role voluntarily, and without wage penalty, suggesting greater flexibility and choice than STEM graduates experience”. Men who did undergraduate AHSS degrees also experience a higher wage premium from changing jobs than for STEM graduates.

The kind of evidence brought to light in the report could prove to be a vital counterweight to LEO data in any future wrangling about top-up funding if fees are cut to £7,500 in the wake of Augar.

“AHSS graduates are just as likely to have a job as science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) graduates, enjoy similar job security and have more varied careers,” said Roger Kain, British Academy vice-president for research and higher education policy.

“Meanwhile, some of the fastest growing sectors in the economy are in the services sector, fuelled in large part by AHSS graduates. If Augar leads to a tuition fee cut and funding top-ups for different subjects, the government must consider the enormous value of our subjects.”

Nick Hillman, director of the Higher Education Policy Institute, said the various complexities and variations around the outcomes and value placed on different courses meant the “only sensible justification for funding courses differently at the front end is if they cost more to teach”.

“No one disagrees that it costs more to teach a medic than a lawyer,” he added. “Where a course has really poor outcomes against reasonable expectations, then the best way to tackle the problem is through better regulation, more transparent information and a process of self-improvement. If a course remains very poor, that’s not an argument for underfunding it, it’s an argument for posing questions about its future viability.”

Professor Kain said the British Academy acknowledged that there were clear variations in the teaching costs of different subjects, but emphasised that even here there was “not a straightforward distinction between AHSS and STEM subjects”.

“Languages, archaeology, and the performing and creative arts require specialist facilities in the same way as laboratory-based subjects. Moreover, in the growing areas of interdisciplinary provision, AHSS and STEM staff come together to jointly provide courses, and this makes attempts to apportion cost of delivery to subjects highly problematic.

“Ultimately, we need to value the contribution of all disciplines now and in the future, and we hope that the Augar review leads the next government to a suitable and nuanced higher education policy that reflects this.”

Publicație : The Times

Gender equality in AI research going backwards, study finds

Nesta finds proportion of female AI researchers was higher in the mid-1990s – although universities fare better than tech firms

The proportion of artificial intelligence researchers who are women is lower than it was two decades ago, a new study has revealed, adding to worries that potentially world-changing AI technology is not being built to cater to all parts of society.

Previous studies have found that the AI teams of companies such as Google and Facebook, as well as attendees at major conferences, are overwhelmingly male.

But a study released on 17 July by British innovation thinktank Nesta says that it is the first to look at a much bigger pool of AI researchers. It found a similarly unbalanced picture – that appears to be getting even more unequal.

“I was quite surprised about the fact that the situation…has gotten worse in some ways,” said Juan Mateos-Garcia, director of innovation mapping at Nesta, and an author of the report, A Study of Gender Diversity in AI Research. Twenty years ago, gender balance “was better than what we have now,” he said.

The share of female AI researchers publishing on the preprint database arXiv was higher in both the mid-1990s and shortly before 2010 – hitting 14 per cent at points – but has since declined to about 12 per cent, the report shows.

The fear is that a dearth of women in AI will lead the field to overlook sexist outcomes in the technology. One US-based image-recognition system learned to associate pictures of kitchens with women after it was fed a biased dataset of photos, Wired reported in 2017.

The field of AI has also failed to keep up with a rise in the proportion of female researchers across all research posted on arXiv, the report discovered.

Analysing keywords in research papers, Nesta also found that research with a female author was more likely to explore the social and political impact of new innovations in AI.

Hannah Owen, a member of Nesta’s education team, said that it was unclear exactly why women were more involved in these kinds of research questions.

“Are these people taking career choices because they are truly more interested in these topics?” she asked. It is possible that female researchers are being “pushed” into certain areas that were expected of them, she said.

The report also looked at which countries and institutions fared better or worse for employing female AI researchers. Argentina, the Netherlands and Denmark did best, while Finland, Singapore and particularly Japan had the lowest proportion of female AI researchers.

Universities appear to be doing slightly better than some private technology firms at employing female AI researchers, the study also finds.

Not one of Google, IBM or Microsoft could boast more than 15 per cent female researchers, it says. Some universities, on the other hand, did substantially better, with the University of Washington hitting a quarter.

The much-publicised “toxic culture” towards women in some technology firms is a “potential explanation” for this difference, said Mr Mateos-Garcia. But he cautioned that with so few private companies included in the data, it was hard to conclude whether universities really were doing better.

Publicație : The Times

Birmingham pay strike: v-c challenged to live on support staff salary

Member of catering staff draws support after appeal to Sir David Eastwood to survive on her salary for a month

A support staff worker at the University of Birmingham has challenged the vice-chancellor, Sir David Eastwood, and other senior managers to live off her pay for a month, as strikes over pay at the institution continue.

Unison members took strike action last month and a further strike took place on 16 July, with another set to take place on 17 July.

Support staff at Birmingham – including caterers, cleaners and security guards – negotiate on pay locally with university management.

They received a 2 per cent pay rise offer for 2018-19, but are looking for the university to exceed retail price index inflation (2.8 per cent for 2018) and to make up for some of the pay lost to inflation in previous years.

A letter from a member of catering staff at Birmingham has attracted widespread support and hundreds of endorsements.

In the letter, the anonymous staff member challenges Sir David, who earns £444,000 a year and is soon to pocket an £80,000 bonus, and other senior management, to live off the salary of a typical member of support staff for a month. Working a 36-hours-a-week term-time contract, she takes home £977.96 a month and her various bills leave her in the red even before she has bought any food or personal items, she says.

She asks the senior leaders to “put yourselves truly in our shoes” and then “ask yourselves are support staff valued, respected and rewarded as they should be?”

While saying she understands that the university finances are “not a bottomless pit” and there is a need to invest in the university, she adds that she does not understand “how you can justify taking hefty bonuses whilst other staff members can’t afford the basic necessities”.

She came to Birmingham 10 years ago to “escape domestic violence with nothing but the clothes I stood in and a suitcase for my child”, she continues.

The mother-of-two started working for the university four years ago and “felt very lucky to have gotten a job at such a wonderful place”.

“I have taken out loans to make ends meet, I have lived on my free staff dinner only, so I could feed my children, I have used foodbanks on a regular basis,” she writes.

She adds: “I am left with no choice but to work two jobs to pay basic bills. This is not a life I choose, this is a life I am given no choice in.”

Mike Moore, joint Unison branch secretary at Birmingham, described the catering worker’s letter as „really moving”.

He said that the crux of the issue is not that the “university is a terrible employer, it’s much better than many employers” but that it “could afford to do a lot more”.

“You have got this incredibly high senior staff pay, of which the vice-chancellor is really the most notable example, but you are not paying enough to your ordinary members of staff who would really benefit from their pay keeping up with inflation,” he continued.

Unison members do not want to strike on graduation days but feel “forced” into taking action by Birmingham, he added.

Publicație : The Times

Sainte-Marie de Lyon lance Eurêka: une année de césure pour s’orienter

Le Programme Césure Eurêka a pour but d’aider les bacheliers à trouver leur orientation. Il démarre à la rentrée de septembre 2019.

Pourquoi ne pas y avoir pensé plus tôt? Il est pourtant évident qu’avoir son bac en poche ne signifie pas avoir une idée claire et nette de ce que l’on veut faire plus tard. Même après deux ou trois ans d’études, il n’est pas rare que la réponse reste floue. Made in (Management Art & Design International), le pôle enseignement supérieur de Sainte-Marie Lyon, s’est donc penché sur la question. Résultat, l’école lance le Programme Césure Eurêka (entre 3000 et 6200 euros selon les revenus des familles), dont le but est d’aider les bacheliers et les bac +2/3 (jusqu’à 27 ans) à trouver leur orientation.

«La nouvelle génération est beaucoup plus en quête de sens à tous niveaux, remarque Dominique Le Meur, directrice de MADE IN. Cela se traduit souvent par le départ à l’étranger, afin de créer une rupture durant les études supérieures, pour répondre à leurs questions, découvrir d’autres choses. Et ils reviennent généralement avec les mêmes interrogations».

Pour Dominique Le Meur, l’idée est d’acquérir une solide culture générale.

Eurêka est une «césure dans les murs» aime à souligner Dominique Le Meur, construite selon trois axes: mieux se connaître ; favoriser l’agilité intellectuelle ; découvrir l’environnement professionnel au sens large. Pour cela le programme s’appuie sur du coaching, du théâtre, du sport… Il table sur des disciplines comme la musicologie, le développement durable, l’architecture, des ateliers de philosophie, de sciences, d’anthropologie, un atelier spirituel interreligieux, etc. L’idée est d’acquérir une solide culture générale, développer les capacités d’analyse et le sens critique, indispensables pour faciliter l’agilité intellectuelle tant attendue des entreprises. Enfin, l’année est consacrée à des rencontres avec des entrepreneurs, des artisans, des responsables de grands groupes, des ONG….

Pas de cours traditionnels pendant les 30 semaines que dure formation (de septembre à mai). Le programme prend la forme d’ateliers, de séminaires, de témoignages, de visites de sites architecturaux, de musées, d’entreprises, etc. «Outre le coach tout au long de l’année, les étudiants seront aussi accompagnés par la responsable de la formation, qui est une ancienne entrepreneuse, spécialisée dans l’intelligence collective, la gestion de projets et l’innovation», précise Dominique Le Meur. Les différents intervenants sont chercheurs, enseignants, critique d’art, artistes, neuroscientifique, professionnels du monde de l’entreprise…

La première promotion devrait atteindre une vingtaine d’étudiants. «Nous nous intéressons à des profils à potentiel, à la fois vifs, curieux et touche à tout, ayant du mal à faire des choix entre leurs différentes passions et aimant travailler en mode collaboratif», explique Dominique Le Meur. Une fois retenus sur dossier et entretien de motivation, ils remplissent un portfolio avec leur objectif personnel et leurs attentes. Il servira de fil conducteur pendant l’année et leur permettra à la fin du programme de faire le bilan des résultats et des objectifs atteints.

«Notre but est qu’ils aient grandi et sachent de manière sereine où ils veulent aller ; qu’ils aient canalisé cette passion, cette vitalité pour les mener là où ils le souhaitent», conclut la directrice de MADE IN.

Publicație : Le Figaro