18 iulie 2020

Admitere 2020 ! Cele mai căutate facultăți de la Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași. Înscrierea candidaților continuă pînă vineri, 24 iulie.

Publicație : Bună Ziua Iași

 Admiterea la universitate. Prima facultate care încheie victorios procesul: concurență mai mare decât anii trecuți

La Arhitectură s-a înregistrat o concurenţă record a ultimilor ani

Perioada de admitere la Facultatea de Arhitectură „G.M. Cantacuzino” s-a încheiat alaltăieri, ieri fiind centralizate datele: s-au depus 213 dosare pentru locurile la buget şi 6 pentru cele la taxă. Astfel, având în vedere că sunt disponibile 90 de locuri pentru buget şi taxă, concurenţa anul acesta este de aproape 2,5 candidaţi pe un loc, uşor mai mare decât în anii anteriori.

„Admiterea la Facultatea de Arhitectură este diferită anul acesta. Am discutat şi am stabilit îndelung, alături de colegi, criteriile pe care trebuie să le avem în vedere pentru departajare. Sistemul adoptat este unul similar cu cel de la celelalte facultăţi de arhitectură din ţară. Noi am ales 10 lucrări edificatoare din portofoliu, care să arate calităţile artistice ale candidaţilor, iar celelalte care să respecte anumite cerinţe formulate anterior. Desigur, în anii trecuţi existau mai multe comisii de evaluare, se susţinea examen, însă anul acesta comisia este mai mare, se corectează încrucişat, astfel încât evaluarea să fie cât mai obiectivă”, a precizat decanul Facultăţii de Arhitectură „G.M. Cantacuzino” din Iaşi, prof. dr. arh. Mihai Corneliu Drişcu.

Decanul a adăugat că, anul acesta, numărul de candidaţi este ceva mai mare, precizând faptul că probabil au fost atraşi mai mulţi absolvenţi de liceu având în vedere că dificultatea admiterii este uşor mai mică în acest an. Evaluarea portofoliilor cu lucrări depuse de candidaţi a început de ieri, în prima zi după finalizarea perioadei de admitere, urmând ca profesorii din comisia de evaluare să delibereze rezultatele până pe 23 iulie. Rezultatele concursului de admitere la Arhitectură vor fi afişate în cursul zilei de 24 iulie.

La celelalte facultăţi, admiterea continuă până pe data de 28 iulie, cu excepţia Facultăţii de Automatică şi Calculatoare, unde se va încheia pe 24 iulie. Până în prezent, cel puţin pe hârtie, Politehnica ieşeană este pe punctul să îşi ocupe locurile pentru studiile de licenţă la buget, pentru cele 11 facultăţi fiind disponibile 2.269 de locuri. La acestea se adaugă 849 de locuri la taxă şi 80 de locuri pentru pentru candidaţii care au absolvit licee din mediul rural, dar şi 332 pentru românii de pretutindeni, acestea din urmă fiind bugetate, iar 198 dintre ele sunt şi cu bursă. Până la finalul zilei de ieri şi-au depus dosarele la TUIASI aproximativ 2.800 de candidaţi, aici fiind incluşi şi românii de pretutindeni şi cei care au optat exclusiv pentru locurile la taxă.

 Publicație : Ziarul de Iași

‘The MIT of the north’: how the government plans to transform ex-mining towns

Plans are underway to emulate the world’s most successful university at commercialising research. Will they work?

In 1984, police and striking miners fought at the coking plant at Orgreave, South Yorkshire, in one of the most violent and pivotal clashes in British industrial history. Today, Orgreave is the site of another battle, one that may determine the fate of the government’s plan to build an “MIT of the north”.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private research university world-famous for turning its cutting-edge research into the spinouts, skilled jobs and cold hard cash that universities in the north of England have struggled to deliver.

On Orgreave’s once poisoned land, there are now green fields, hi-tech factories and labs, along with a training centre for more than 800 apprentices. Together they have brought more than 700 high-skilled jobs to a corner of South Yorkshire that had become a byword for de-industrialisation. Land that was worth £30,000 an acre 15 years ago is now valued at £800,000 an acre. This is the University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), the “crown jewel” of the UK’s innovation and research community.

“We should be immensely proud that we can take a location that was at the centre of so much heartache and turn it into something genuinely wonderful,” says Professor Dave Petley, vice-president for innovation, University of Sheffield.

The centre has come a long way. In 2001 the vision to transform the old coking site was scoffed at by many in the establishment. Now, Professor Keith Ridgway, one of the co-founders of the research centre, is invited to Downing Street to discuss how to level up the north.

But when Ridgway and three other co-founders retired in October last year, it was reported that their departure followed a decision by the university to exercise greater control over the centre. In January, Ridgway called for the AMRC to become independent of the university, and join a research network that would transform overlooked towns like Bolton, Halifax and Redcar.

Three months later the government’s £750m Powering the north – Manufacturing Institute of Technology (MIT) report was leaked, and bore a striking similarity to Ridgway’s pitch. It aims to shift the focus of research and innovation away from the metropolitan universities to the former mill, steel and manufacturing towns of the north, many of which voted Conservative for the first time in 2019.

Now the AMRC is locked in a power struggle between industry and academia. Two proposals have been sent to the government: one industry-led plan featuring an independent AMRC, and another proposal from the universities of Sheffield, Manchester and Strathclyde. At stake is the future of universities in the UK and the success of Boris Johnson’s plans to level up the north.

Petley says: “We agree that the AMRC is the model to do it [the MIT of the north] with. What we struggle to understand is the logic in taking a model that has been so successful using the can-do attitude and strength of the university, and going independent.”

But Ridgway feels differently: “Perhaps the critical question is, are universities the right hosts for these translational research institutes?” He adds: “MIT is a research organisation with an entrepreneurial culture that does some teaching rather than a traditional UK university.”

The government’s new research and development roadmap has Dominic Cummings’s fingerprints all over it. Britain has a long-term disease: it fails to translate its world-leading science into world-beating products for industry. The roadmap aims to fix this problem by breaking the dominance that universities have over research and innovation in the UK. It argues that the ponderous red tape of traditional UK universities hinders the agile decision-making and risk-taking entrepreneurial culture of research institutes like the AMRC, and their ability to deliver the technology and jobs of the future.

Yet critics argue that it overlooks the success that universities are having at spinning out businesses, potentially spells the end of 200 years of academic autonomy, and is little more than a get-rich quick scheme for greedy executives.

The idea of a British MIT returned to our national conversation following a report from the UK2070 commission, an independent inquiry into city and regional inequalities in the UK. While Gordon Brown spent £69m on the ill-fated “MIT-Cambridge Institution” in 1999, the commission called for an “MIT of the north”.

“Whatever we do has to be comprehensive, long-game and large-scale,” says Lord Kerslake, the commission’s chair. “The UK is not only one of the most unequal countries in the developed world, 28th out of 40, but it is likely to get even more unequal unless we take some ambitious and significant action.”

The innovative approach of the AMRC, its success in boosting South Yorkshire’s economy and its global presence, had already earned it admirers in the government. “There are three strands of conservative thinking that come together in the MIT of the north,” says Nick Hillman, director of Higher Education Policy Institute (Hepi).

“The first is the sort of radical conservatism that is articulated by someone like Dominic Cummings, who thinks you need to start things from scratch because existing institutions are too slow. The second strand of thinking is a sort of general unhappiness because they are a bit left of centre and not sufficiently innovative. And the third is the desire to have some really good, world-class institutions outside the golden triangle [of Oxford, Cambridge and London], which ties in with the last election and the fall of Labour’s red wall.”

But there are some crucial differences between MIT and the rival plans – notably in scale. At MIT teaching accounts for only 10% of income, and directly funded industrial research for around 25%. Last year the MIT endowment fund reached $17.4bn. MIT typically forms 30 spinout companies each year, and MIT alumni are serial entrepreneurs who have founded 30,00 companies producing annual revenues of $1.9tn.

Perhaps the greatest challenge, though, is the graduate mindset. “On a recent visit to MIT I was asked: ‘What would a final-year engineering student in the UK say if you asked them who they wanted to work for next year?’ I suggested a company such as Rolls-Royce, JLR, Airbus – [somewhere] with a good training and support programme. If you asked an MIT student, they would tell you they wanted to work for themselves. It is fairly clear that we can’t establish an MIT of the north overnight,” says Ridgway.

Time is running out for the government and it needs to make an announcement soon. While the pandemic and the power struggle has delayed the decision, the need for post-coronavirus economic recovery and the end of the EU transition period on 31 December 2020 makes it urgent.

“If we genuinely want to create centres of excellence that match Oxford, Cambridge and London, and even open up another golden triangle in the north, then we need to do a lot more than we are doing now,” says Lord Kerslake. “We are some way behind.”

Publicație : The Guardian

20 iulie 2020

Se anunţă un an cu cifre record la admiterea la facultate, la Iaşi

 Toate universităţile de stat din Iaşi au mai mulţi înscrişi decât s-ar fi aşteptat. La una dintre cele mai solicitate instituţii, admiterea s-a încheiat ieri.

Universităţile din Iaşi au intrat în ultima săptămână a admiterii, iar deja o parte dintre acestea încep să strângă rezultate de etapă. Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Grigore T. Popa”, spre exemplu, înregistrează anul acesta cea mai mare concurenţă la Medicină Generală din ultimii ani. Până duminică dimineaţă erau depuse 1.333 de dosare pe platforma online, pe 299 de locuri la buget, o concurenţă de 4,46/loc bugetat, în contextul în care în ultimii ani concurenţa nu ajungea până la 4 / loc. În total, până la nivelul zilei de ieri, la UMF erau depuse 2.512 dosare la toate facultăţile. Concurenţă ridicată se numără şi la Asistenţă Medicală Generală, unde au fost depuse 338 de dosare pe 56 de locuri, în total 6,04 / loc bugetat, la Medicină Dentară au fost 287 de dosare, 3,38 / loc bugetat, în timp ce în continuare Facultatea de Farmacie este cea mai puţin căutată de la UMF, fiind 86 de dosare pe 98 de locuri bugetate.

Platforma de admitere online de la UMF s-a închis ieri la ora 12.00, fiind în total aproximativ 3.300 de conturi făcute. Studenţii care au deja conturi începute şi procedura de admitere iniţializată, au la dispoziţie până marţi să finalizeze discuţiile cu cei din comisie pentru a-şi depune dosarele integral, astfel că cifrele finale de la UMF le vom afla începând cu ziua de mâine.

Politehnica îşi depăşeşte propriul record

Şi la Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi se anunţă o admitere care să depăşească recordurile anilor precedenţi. Încă de ziua de vineri, TUIASI avea acoperite locurile de la buget integral, pe numărul de candidaţi, fiindcă la TUIASI funcţionează un sistem unic în Iaşi: un candidat se poate înscrie cu acelaşi dosar şi o singură taxă la oricâte specializări de la cele 11 facultăţi ale instituţiei de învăţământ superior tehnic. Până la nivelul orei 15.00 ieri, duminică, 19 iulie, erau depuse 2.800 de dosare pentru locurile de licenţă şi circa 90 de dosare pentru locurile de la taxă – un număr comparabil cu cel de anul trecut, în contextul în care admiterea mai durează până pe 28 iulie. Cele mai multe dosare sunt depuse la Facultatea de Automatică şi Calculatoare, care a înregistrat anul acesta un număr record, circa 1.200 până la acest moment, în contextul în care nu a fost examen necesar pentru admitere, ca de obicei. Un reviriment se remarcă anul acesta la Facultatea de Design Industrial şi Managementul Afacerilor, fiind aproximativ 130 de candidaţi, mai mulţi decât în ultimii ani.

USAMV stă bine: 1.172 de dosare pe 623 de locuri

Şi la USAMV, admiterea merge în linii foarte bune – 1.172 de dosare depuse pe 623 de locuri în total, doar câteva specializări având nevoie de câteva dosare în plus pentru a acoperi integral locurile de la buget. La Agronomie, de asemenea, admiterea se încheie pe 24 iulie, şi de aceea reprezentanţii universităţii sunt încrezători că locurile vor fi acoperite integral într-o primă fază, urmând apoi admiterea din toamnă pentru diferenţa în locuri, în special la taxă.

Situaţia arată foarte bine şi la Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, care avea 7.254 de dosare depuse pe 3.374 de locuri la buget la nivelul zilei de sâmbătă. Cele mai căutate facultăţi sunt Facultatea de Psihologie, cu 1.039 de dosare pe 293 de locuri la buget, 920 la Informatică pe 274 locuri la buget, 1.643 la Facultatea de Economie şi Administrarea Afacerilor pe 822 de locuri la buget şi 811 la Drept, pe 191 locuri bugetate. Cu mici excepţii, toate facultăţile şi-au acoperit locurile la buget, în condiţiile în care mai este o săptămână de admitere la UAIC, până pe 24 iulie.

Publicație : Ziarul de Iași

Teenage boys’ academic ambition may explain gender pay gap, study says

 UCL research found boys tended to have higher-reaching plans for university applications

The gender pay gap may be partly explained by teenage boys having more ambitious aims to attend prestigious universities than girls, even if they have the same academic results, according to research.

The study of school pupils in England conducted by academics at University College London’s institute of education found “clear evidence” boys already had more advanced plans for higher education than girls at the age of 15, with more boys aiming to apply to Oxford, Cambridge or other more selective universities, regardless of background or school attended.

The researchers also found that academically driven pupils with the most ambitious plans for university gained higher grades in GCSE exams than pupils with similar backgrounds who had less precise or no plans.

Nikki Shure, one of the co-authors of the research, said the data found boys to be more ambitious than girls regardless of family income. That ambition often translated into attending higher-status universities and more lucrative careers, which may help explain the gender pay gap.

“The goal of this paper is not just to tell girls to be more ambitious, but to get young people to think about making concrete, specific university plans. Of course it is a good idea to foster high-attaining girls to be ambitious and provide them with the information and support to achieve these goals,” Shure said.

Selective institutions could make greater efforts to recruit women as undergraduates, especially in courses leading to highly paid careers that women are less likely to take, such as technology, engineering and mathematics, according to Shure.

“It is interesting that a boy and a girl at the same school with the same prior attainment and same family background have substantially different university plans,” she said.

“Making more ambitious plans could help narrow the gap, but of course it is not going to eliminate the gender pay gap, given issues around different returns to different courses even at the same institution.”

The research team found a similar pattern among pupils who were immigrants or the children of immigrants, who were more likely to aim for selective universities than their classmates. “First- and second-generation immigrants are hence much more academically ambitious than their peers of British heritage, even when they are otherwise from a similar background, of similar academic ability, and attend the same school,” the paper states.

Shure said: “One of the main things that we want to highlight is that making a concrete goal matters for academic performance. The young people in this data set had to type out the name of the top three universities to which they plan to apply, which requires some agency and thought.

“We are definitely not saying that everyone needs to plan to apply to a Russell Group university, but rather make a concrete plan to which they can work.”

Publicație : The Guardian

L’afflux de bacheliers met les universités sous pression

Le taux record de réussite au bac complique l’attribution des places dans l’enseignement supérieur. Plus de 52 000 bacheliers restent sans proposition sur Parcoursup à la mi-juillet, contre 32 000 en 2019. La Conférence des présidents d’université appelle à une « mobilisation générale » pour augmenter les capacités d’accueil.

Un nombre de bacheliers record, des lycéens plus nombreux sur la ligne de départ, des règles sanitaires face à l’épidémie de Covid-19 encore incertaines… Voilà les ingrédients avec lesquels l’université doit composer, pour préparer une rentrée qui s’annonce périlleuse. Les résultats de la plate-forme d’admission dans l’enseignement supérieur Parcoursup, qui a clôturé sa phase principale vendredi 17 juillet, sont venus le confirmer. Avec une question : comment trouver de la place pour tous ces jeunes ?

Au 17 juillet, ils sont près de 585 000 bacheliers à avoir obtenu une proposition d’admission dans une formation – soit 88,2 % des inscrits. Une proportion similaire à celle de 2019, saluée par la ministre de l’enseignement supérieur, Frédérique Vidal. Il n’empêche, d’autres voyants sont au rouge. D’après nos calculs issus du tableau de bord quotidien publié sur Parcoursup, 91 300 bacheliers et étudiants en réorientation restent sans proposition, contre 58 700 à cette même période l’an dernier. Une pression qui se concentre parmi les bacheliers : ils sont 52 400 sans proposition, contre 32 700 en juillet 2019.

Un défi de taille

Parmi eux, 9 500 ont requis l’aide d’une commission rectorale pour trouver une place, contre 6 400 en 2019. C’est sur ce chiffre que communique aujourd’hui la ministre de l’enseignement supérieur. « Depuis le 8 juillet, nous appelons tous ceux qui n’ont pas de proposition », a-t-elle expliqué sur Franceinfo le 17 juillet. Quelque 7 500 formations disposent encore de places vacantes sur Parcoursup, accessibles en phase complémentaire. « Il y aura une solution pour chacun d’entre eux, a promis Mme Vidal. Que chacun ait une place à la rentrée, c’est vraiment l’ambition de tout le gouvernement (…) dans cette année très compliquée. »

Le défi est de taille, car l’afflux apparaît historique. Il y a d’abord une hausse démographique : 20 000 lycéens de terminale supplémentaires ont confirmé, au printemps, des vœux d’orientation sur Parcoursup – pour moitié issus de la voie professionnelle. Voilà pour la partie prévisible de l’équation.

Ce que nul n’a anticipé, c’est un taux de réussite inédit au baccalauréat, bousculé par la crise sanitaire. Quasiment 96 % des candidats ont en effet obtenu ce sésame vers le supérieur, sans passer d’épreuves terminales mais sur la seule foi des notes de l’année scolaire écoulée, soit 48 000 bacheliers de plus. Si tous ne frappent pas aux portes des universités, ce sera le cas d’une partie d’entre eux. D’autant plus avec la crise économique qui s’annonce, rendant difficile une entrée immédiate sur le marché du travail.

Publicație : Le Monde