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21 05, 2024

73 students from 9 European countries discussed the importance of EU elections during the EC2U Student Event at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași

By |2024-05-21T10:24:12+03:0021 May 2024|Uncategorized @en|

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (UAIC) organised the EC2U Student Event entitled Shaping the future through EU elections,  between 15 and 17 May 2024. 71 students attended the event, coming from the 8 universities that are members of the EC2U Alliance - Coimbra (Portugal), Jena (Germany), Pavia (Italy), Poitiers (France), Salamanca (Spain), Turku (Finland), [...]

29 07, 2020

The JASSY journey went on … online – 3rd edition of the Interdisciplinary Summer School of UAIC

By |2020-07-29T12:07:29+03:0029 July 2020|Uncategorized @en|

In the context of the current pandemic situation, the 3rd edition of the JASSY Summer School was held online by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, between 6 and 17 July 2020. The 56 candidates who registered for JASSY came from 12 countries: Argentina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, the Netherlands, Republic of [...]

19 02, 2014

“Knowledge, Belief, and the Economic System” – the conference of Kenneth Arrow, Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics at UAIC

By |2016-10-12T15:29:53+03:0019 February 2014|Uncategorized @en|

Kenneth Arrow, the Nobel Prize Laureate delivered a conference on Tuesday, October 29th 2013, at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. The well-known American economist has been awarded, the same day, the Doctor Honoris Causa honorary title of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. ”Several economic models and analytic instruments used for the study of [...]