11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO-700506
Telephone: +40 232 20 1050; 20 1051
Fax: +40 232 20 1150
Dean: Professor PhD. Ionuț TOPALĂ
Vice-dean: Assistant Professor PhD Cătălin AGHIORGHIESEI

Bachelor’s Degree (6 semesters)
- Physics
- Physics
- Physics (in English)
- Computational Physics
- Medical Physics
- Applied Engineering Sciences
- Engineering Physics
- Engineering Physics (Bălți extension, Republic of Moldova)
Master’s Degree (4 semesters)
- Physics
- Physics for advanced technologies (in English)
- Biophysics and Medical Physics (in English)
- Applied Physics and Communication and Information Technologies
- Applied Physics and Communication and Information Technologies (Branch of Balti, Republic of Moldova)
- Physical Methods Applied to Kinetotherapy and Medical Recovery
- Optics and Optometry
- Applied medical Physics
Doctoral school:
- Physics
ECTS Study Guide

About the faculty
The Physics school of Iași has a tradition of over a century and a half and its foundation is to be found within the Academia Mihăileană. There has been a powerful interest in the study of Natural Sciences since 1835. Due to the great personalities that marked the field of Physics (Ilie Bursuc, Vasile Tutovan, Mircea Sanduloviciu, Constantin Păpușoi, Mardarie Sorohan, Ioan Gottlieb, Ștefan Procopiu) and to their successors, the Faculty of Physics, founded as a separate institution in 1962, has developed continuously.
At present, the Faculty offers BA level programmes in “classical” fields of Physics, but also in interdisciplinary fields, along with MA level programmes in advanced fields of Physics, which are taught in English.
High-end technical equipment is made available for every level of study, such as the most powerful super computer from Romania, along with other research equipment worth several million Euros.
The research approaches interdisciplinary fields such as bio-nano-technologies, information sciences, biophysics, medical physics, plasma, surfaces and interfaces Physics, innovative materials.
The Faculty of Physics is known at national and international level for its scientific results published and cited in the most prestigious journals in the world. Annually, over 50% of the professors do documentation and research internships in universities from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. Not only the professors, but also the students are constantly in contact with the scientific at large. They participate in research internships in the Erasmus+ programme in partner laboratories from abroad. By participating in multiple national and international projects, the faculty encourages its students as early as the MA level to get involved as team members in research grants for which they are also paid. Doctors either benefit from post-doctoral scholarships or they are hired as researchers in research projects.
The Faculty of Physics within Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași excels in terms of keeping its high-quality standards by offering the students the possibility of starting successful careers such as: medical physicist, scientific researcher, IT-physicist, bio-physicist, medical physicist, engineering physicist, secondary school or tertiary education teaching staff.