
11 Carol I Boulevard, RO 700506 – Iaşi
Phone: 00 40 232 201024/ 201023
Fax: 00 40 232 201201


The Department for Research and Project Management (DRPM) was established in accordance with the Decision of the University Senate Board of 22 April 2004.

The mission of the DRPM is to develop scientific research in Alexandru Ioan Cuza University with a view to ensuring its integration in national and international research structures.

The role of DRPM is to provide the organizational and informational framework for the elaboration, implementation, and development of the research policies and strategies of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, and also to provide assistance, counseling, and logistic support to the members of the academic community with a view to implementing and developing scientific research projects in the university.

The aim of DRPM is to provide institutional, informational, and organizational support for the extension, optimization, and raising up to international performance standards of our scientific research. DRPM will also offer information and provide specialized assistance in project writing and development. In the case of projects where institutional interests come first, DRPM, using the resources it has at its disposal, will be involved in the process of project making and implementation.

Objectives of DRPM

  • Integrating the University in an information system regarding scientific research strategies and national and international project competitions
  • Stimulating and directing complex (interdisciplinary) scientific research programmes, which have priority in certain fields and/or are oriented towards high technologies, in accordance with national, European, and international priorities
  • Becoming a center for information and for dissemination of information and good practice in project management (research projects, finance projects, national and European grants, FP7, COST, NATO, EUREKA)
  • Promoting scientific research in the University in order to increase the visibility of its results
  • Evaluating periodically the position of the scientific research with a view to identifying the scientific research potential, the priorities, and the strategies that need restructuring
  • Participating in the elaboration of scientific research strategies and priorities at University, regional, national, and international level
  • Encouraging an active and responsible involvement of faculties and departments in scientific research project writing and implementing
  • Ensuring that the conduct rules stipulated in the University Charter, as well as the national and international legislation in the field, are observed


  • Coordinating and operatively administrating all active scientific research programmes
  • Ensuring the contact with the institutions financing national and international scientific research programmes
  • Informing the academic staff of: the active scientific research programmes; the calendar of actions and of national and European calls for proposals; the changes occurring in the structure of programmes or of application, report, and evaluation forms; calls organized by the University or by other institutions for scientific research programmes
  • Counseling the academic staff on: ways of filling in the project proposal forms; existing and potential partnerships in the field of scientific research; contract signing for approved projects; eligibility conditions, legislation, and project implementing rules; observance of deadlines and forms for (intermediary and final) reports on project implementation; annual competitions and reconfirmation of research centers and scientific research magazines
  • Permanently operating and updating the data base; drawing up reports, analyses, and statistics on scientific research activities
  • Organizing and participating in seminars, conferences, workshops, and other scientific events at local, national, or international level in the field of research
  • Collaborating with the Regional Contact Point for Structural Funds, Technopolis, The Regional Development Agency of Piatra Neamţ, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Iaşi, The City Hall and The Prefecture of Iaşi, and other organizations and institutions involved in elaborating research-development strategies at regional level
  • Working together with the other structures of the University: Faculties, Human Resources Department, Finance and Accounting Department, etc. for a good progress of its activities
  • Creating and updating a web portal on the university internet page, specialized in project management issues and academic research financing opportunities

DRMP Coordinators:

Coordinator: Professor Romeo Iulian OLARIU, PhD 

Vice-Rector for scientific research and development, innovation and knowledge transfer

Staff DRMP

Elena RADU FELICE – Head of Department
Phone: (+40 232) 201024
Fax: (+40 232) 201201

  • Organizing, coordinating and controlling the activities of the department
  • Preparing the agenda of BECA for DCMP
  • Reports, statistics requested by MENCS, UAIC leadership, other entities
  • Research centers (track, recognizing others as appropriate)
  • Research Programmes: COST, international cooperation

Phone: (+40 232) 201382

  • PN II, Programme 3. IDEAS
  • PN III, Programme IV – Basic Research and border
  • Research contracts / service

Isabella Ana STEGARIU
Phone: (+40 232) 201382

  • PN II, Programme 2. Capabilities
  • PN III, Programme 1, sub 1.3. R & D infrastructure
  • PN III Program 3, sub 3.1. Bilateral / multilateral
    internal grants

Alexandra POPA
Phone: (+40 232) 201382

  • PN II Programme 1. Human Resources
  • PN III, Programme 1, sub 1.1. HR

Phone: (+40 232) 201102, 2560

  • results of research and development
  • National Register of Infrastructure ERRIS
  • patent applications for inventions / patent inventions
  • personal and scientific events
  • scientific journals

Diana Manuela LINA
Phone/ Fax: (+40 232) 201102, 2560

  • Horizon 2020 European Program
  • PN III, European and international cooperation, Subprogramme 3.2. Horizon 2020

Alina-Elena  CIORNEI
Phone/ Fax: (+40 232) 201102, 2559

  • Horizon 2020 European Program
  • PN III, European and international cooperation, Subprogramme 3.2. Horizon 2020

Cristina ȚOPA
Phone/ Fax: (+40 232) 20 1382

  • PN II, Programme 4. Partnerships in priority areas
  • Programmes by ROSA – Romanian Space Agency
  • PN III Programme 2, sub 2.1. Research, Development and Innovation
  • Issues concerning human resources involved in research