The 5th International Interdisciplinary Conference in Iasi, Romania devoted to the life and work of C. S. Lewis: Of This and Other Worlds

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Start date – end date                         Registration deadline                       Early bird deadline

18-20 November 2021                       1 November 2021                              1 October 2021


The fifth C. S. Lewis conference focuses on C. S. Lewis and his literary and academic kin as creators of worlds. His entire work testifies to his fascination with alternative universes, from his scholarly exploration of Medieval literature, with its haunting myths and arcane symbolism, through his fiction, to his apologetics, where Christianity is seen as a parallel kingdom seeking to be reinstated in “an enemy-occupied territory”. From pain to love, through faith and imagination, he opened a spectrum of realities inviting exploration and reflection. The collection of essays by Lewis alluded to in the title of this year’s conference spans both this and other worlds: “this” realm, which we inhabit, is the necessary, unavoidable starting point for any explorers, conquerors, pilgrims, even refugees into the “others”.

Those willing to venture into the exploration of the worlds of imagination created by C. S. Lewis and kindred spirits are invited to contribute papers in the areas of semiotics, narratology, literary studies (with a special focus on fantasy, on possible worlds in language structures, at the crossroads between referential semantics and fiction studies), translation studies (the challenge of translating fantasy for readerships of various ages and its effect on reception), philosophy, logic, theology, cultural and arts studies, including any interdisciplinary permutation or cross-pollination.

Interested participants are invited to send a 200-250-word abstract for peer-review to the Conference Committee via the organizers: Dr. Rodica Albu (, Dr. Denise Vasiliu (, Dr. Teodora Ghivirigă (


REGISTRATION: deadline for proposal submission:         15 October 2021

notification of acceptance by:                                             25 October 2021

Selected papers presented at the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings or in the Linguaculture Journal


Fees: Early bird discount (before 1 October 2021)

  • €170 / $200 / 300LEI** for participants with a submitted paper*
  • €75/ $100 / 150 LEI for attendants without a submitted paper**


The conference fee includes admission to all sessions of the conference, the conference folder, coffee breaks and lunch breaks.

* special fee for Romanian students with submitted paper: 150 LEI

**special fee for Romanian students without submitted paper: 50 LEI

***special fee for attendants without coffee breaks and lunches: 50 LEI


Venues: “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, The Romanian Academy – Iasi branch, “Mihai Eminescu” Central University Library of Iași


The social program of the conference (details to be added):

  • conference dinner on 18 November
  • cultural event on 19 November
  • a day trip to Romanian sightseeing spots on 20 November*(conditions permitting)


Please register here: