On May 20 – 24, 2024, the International Relations Office of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (UAIC) organized the 7th edition of the Erasmus+ International Staff Training Week, focused on emotional resilience and stress management techniques at work. Teaching, research and administrative staff from partner universities in 3 EU member states (Austria, France, and Germany) and 10 non-EU countries (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Lebanon, Montenegro, Moldova, Turkey, Ukraine and Uruguay) attended the event.

The programme of the week included presentations and a fair of the participating universities, workshops on topics such as Time management (lead by dr. Diana Chihaia, head of the student services, career guidance and professional integration, and alumni office), Stress management (lead by Prof. Dr. Daniela Muntele from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences), Effective communication at work (lead by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Corina Barbaros from the Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences), Developing life skills through sports (lead by Lecturer Dr. Alexandru Oprean from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports), Floral arrangements (lead by dr. Cristiana Petre, a biologist at the “Anastasie Fătu” Botanical Garden), as well as individual working meetings within the corresponding faculties and departments.

The academic program of the training week  also included cultural activities such as a city tour guided by Lecturer Univ. Dr. Mihai Bulai from the Faculty of Geography and Geology, a tour of the Botanical Garden and a field trip to Probota monastery, the traditional Romanian village of Dolheștii Mici, the museum of Vineyard and Wine from Hârlău and the Cotnari Wineries.