Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania, in collaboration with the University of Lille, France, is pleased to announce the holding of the International Conference of PhD Students and Young Researchers in the field of social sciences and humanities. This event will provide the opportunity to share experiences with other PhD students and meet accomplished international researchers. The conference will particularly encourage interaction between PhD students and senior researchers from academia and industry.

Submissions are expected by email to:
The abstract can be submitted in English or French. Please see the link for template in English or in French.
Contact person: Prof.dr. Ștefan Cojocaru.
Deadline for submissions: 15 May 2023.

NEW! Program of the conference

KALEIDOSCOPE. Book of Abstracts

Kaleidoscope, vol 1, LEGAL SCIENCES

Kakeidoscope, vol 5, ECONIMICS

More information is available on the website of the conference: