Supporting competitiveness in research-development and innovation by developing the institutional capacity of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi


The general objective of the UAIC-INOV-IMP2 project is to support the Strategic Institutional Development Plan of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași in order to increase the innovation capacity and institutional performance, competitiveness and impact of research by funding excellence.

The project aims to increase the capacity of RDI by: (1) Strengthen the university’s international recognition for research quality by facilitating the use and dissemination of research results through publication in Clarivate Analytics indexed journals; (2) Consolidation of the RDI infrastructure / development of the University’s RDI capacity through the acquisition of new research infrastructures and the modernization of the existing infrastructure; (3) Improving researchers by organizing specialization courses and by carrying out mobility in research institutions in the country and abroad.

The specific objectives of this project are:

  • OS1. Strengthen multidisciplinary and intersectoral research and national/international research collaborations
  • OS2. Development of facilities to support technology transfer
  • OS3. Ensuring a strong and modern research infrastructure
  • OS4. Supporting young researchers to develop a career in research
  • OS5. Promoting a favorable organizational climate for collaboration and cooperation
  • OS6. Transition to Open Science

The project will generate long-term effects aimed at:

  • developing human resources for research by supporting and encouraging young researchers to carry out training and documentation courses (national/international) being encouraged those organized by successful economic agents;
  • consolidating the scientific potential of the research groups within the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași by purchasing the equipment necessary for the operation of the Interdisciplinary Research Institute, and by establishing and / or modernizing two interdisciplinary scientific research laboratories;
  • development of facilities to support technology transfer both through the acquisition of know-how and through the development of the activities of the Innovation and Transfer Center CTTT iTransfer (which is in the process of accreditation) in order to capitalize on the results of scientific research;
  • acquiring the attribute of “excellence” in research, by meeting certain key criteria: interdisciplinarity, international dimension, quality, competitiveness, utility for society, open access, gender policies, support for sustainable development and environmental protection.

The implementation period of the project “Supporting competitiveness in research-development and innovation by developing the institutional capacity of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (UAIC-INOV-IMP2)” is 30.12.2021-15.06.2024, the total budget is 6,266,000 lei.

The project will be implemented through the Department of Services for the Management of Scientific Research Activities.

Project manager: Prof. dr. MANGALAGIU Ionel

Team members:

  • CS II dr. MOCANU Mihaela
  • Lector /CS II dr. BEJAN Iustinian Gabriel
  • Prof. dr. PINTILESCU Carmen
  • Conf. dr. ASIMINEI Romeo
  • Head of Research Services Department FELICE Elena
  • CS II dr. MITROIU Simona
  • Prof. dr. ALBOAIE Lenuța
  • Conf. dr. MITROIU Mircea Dan
  • Prof. dr. MOLDOVEANU Costel
  • Prof. dr. UNGUREANU Carmen Tamara
  • Conf. dr. BREABAN Mihaela Elena
  • Prof. dr. ENĂCHESCU Cristian
  • Conf. dr. LIHACIU Ioan Constantin
  • Prof. dr. habil. HOLMAN Andrei Corneliu
  • ȚOPA Cristina
  • LINA Diana
  • CHIRNOAGĂ Dragoș Petrișor

OS2.A3. Workshops and round tables organized in collaboration with the public and private environment, in order to identify solutions to facilitate technology transfer

  • Promoting research results through technology transfer (5.03.2022)

OS5.A1. Organizing internal scientific seminars for the development of ideas for multidisciplinary projects, in order to share knowledge and dialogue, with prestigious guests from the country and abroad

  • Center for Advanced Research in Bionanoconjugates and Biopolymers – Interdisciplinary research in the design, synthesis and characterization of bioconjugates dedicated to nanomedicine (23.05.2022)

OS5.A2. Organizing presentations of research projects / topics in progress, in order to improve the research staff in the field of coordination and implementation of research projects.

  • Promoting an organizational climate conducive to collaboration and cooperation. Research project presentation session (25.03.2022)

The publication of scientific articles and materials intended for participation in scientific conferences, must be accompanied by the recognition of the project’s contribution using the phrase:

„Authors are thankful to Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, within Program 1 – Development of the national RD system, Subprogram 1.2 – Institutional Performance – RDI excellence funding projects, Contract no.11PFE/30.12.2021, for financial support”

Project manager: Prof.dr. MANGALAGIU Ionel
Phone: (+40) 232 20 1014 ;  (+40) 232 20 1343

Department of Services for the Management of Scientific Research Activities:
Head of Research Services Department, FELICE Elena
Phone: (+40) 0232 20 1024; +40 745 311 844
Fax: 0232 20 1382