Contact details

Details: Center for European Studies
Telephone/ Fax: 0232 20 1318

The courses are free of charge, being sponsored by the European Commission and there is an unlimited number of available places.

The Jean Monnet Program is an European Commission initiative, having as main goals: development of educational system and academic research in European integration; the study of the European Community structure and its institutional, judicial, political, economic and social developments. The Jean Monnet initiative facilitates, through starting off subsidies, the introduction in the university curricula of the following disciplines: European law, economic integration, political integration, the history of the European Union.

The present offer of the Center for European Studies includes the following Jean Monnet actions:

  • Permanent course: “European Economic Integration”, titular – conf. univ. dr. Gabriela Carmen Pascariu
  • Permanent course: “European Monetary and Financial Integration” , titular – conf. univ. dr. Ovidiu Stoica
  • Permanent course: “Europe on its Way to a Constitution”, titular – prof. univ. dr. Doina Balahur
  • European module: “Europe and the European Idea. History, Culture, Perspectives” , titular – prof. univ. dr. Alexandru-Florin Platon