ERASMUS+ Programme for incoming students


Pre-arrival arrangements

Residence Permit/Residence Registration

Residence Permit/Residence Registration

Guide for incoming Erasmus students

Romanian Intensive Language Courses

Nomination deadline

Nomination deadline

  • Nomination deadline for the students coming for the 1st semester/whole academic year: *July 15th (the application deadline is August 1st)
  • Nomination deadline for the students coming for the 2nd semester: *November 15th (the application deadline is December 1st) 

As for my Erasmus experience, it was absolutely incredible and I would like to thank you as well as all the ESN volunteers and other romanian students for giving me the best welcome I could have ever hoped for and for making me feel included all throughout the year. At UAIC, I have truly felt a sense of community that I had never felt before at my home university. I also absolutely adored living in Iași in general and deeply miss the city now. However, I will be back for sure to visit my friends again and cannot wait to explore other parts of Romania.

Erasmus student, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Franţa 2023-2024

Clémentine Savard

My first Erasmus experience was at the esteemed Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași, Romania, and it was beyond anything I could have imagined. During my stay, I was warmly welcomed by everyone, from the international office, teachers, and students at UAIC to the local people of Iași. Their eagerness to assist at any moment left a lasting impression on me, and I will never forget their efforts to help whenever I needed it. I am proud to say that I received a high-quality education. The teachers were exceptional, and UAIC provided the necessary tools and technology to ensure our comfort and success. Beyond academics, I gained a deep appreciation for Romanian traditions, which continuously amazed me. The innate kindness of the Romanian people was evident and deeply touching. My Erasmus experience in Iași was the best experience of my life. I deeply recommend it to any students considering an Erasmus journey.

Erasmus student, University of 8 Mai 1945 Guelma, Algeria 2023-2024

Chahrazed Khodja

This was my first time out of my country, and Romania was my first destination abroad. This journey has truly changed me for the better. I made many friends from different nationalities and had the best life experiences. As an Erasmus student, it was challenging to succeed in most of my courses. Even though I was often confused and it was tough to stay updated with everything while enjoying my time, it was all part of my journey towards success. This experience has already made things easier for me professionally.

Erasmus student, Université de Carthage, Tunisia, 2023-2024

A big thanks to all the Erasmus staff, the teachers I met, my coordinator, and all the university and faculty staff.

Essil Amaimi

An American’s Experience in Iași, Romania
The feeling of leaving Iași is definitely bittersweet. Although I am excited to get back home and make the big comparison of all my experiences with my old ones, leaving this all behind is very difficult. For all I know, I may never return to Iași ever again. I would really like to but we don’t know where life will take us. I’m truly thankful for all of the people and experiences that entered my life while spending 5 months in Iași, Romania. The experience was invaluable, irreplaceable, and incomparable to any other I or anyone else has ever had. I really felt like I was part of something special living in Iași. I felt like I belonged. I didn’t feel like an outsider or a tourist but a member of the Romanian family, and a special part of the people’s lives I encountered. La revedere for now Iași. Hopefully we will meet again someday.

Exchange Student, University of Michigan-Flint, USA

John-Paul DeMers

Erasmus is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am beyond grateful and thrilled to have experienced such journey with people with whom I shared a lot of amazing memories. It started with meeting my roomates who were extremely nice and respectful. I really loved the dormitory , it was clean and we had everything we needed there. The thing that amazed me the most is how the people are so friendly and welcoming whenever there is a new student. We shared good memories together; we parited, danced , laughed and cooked together. The best part was when we get to know each other’s traditional dishes. Moreover, I really enjoyed ESN events and activites that allowed to get to know more people and explore more traditions through the various creative activites that those young students provided for us so I really appreciated that. Another thing that I am really thankful about is the way I got treated by the people who work in UAIC whether in the administration or the teachers . Everyone is glad to help and they always make sure everything is clear and we don’t have problems whether inside or outside the university.Romania is such a beautiful country and it should be on everyone’s travel list. The places i’ve been to are just mind blowing and magnificent. I am happy that I got the chance to have people who were outgoing and are always willing to go and visit as many places as we could.Words cannot really express how grateful for having this opportunity in my life. I want to thank anyone who made this dream come true because being an Erasmus student was one of my top wishes.

Erasmus student, University of Carthage, Tunisia 2022-2023

Ghofrane CHELLY

I have collected many good memories during my stay in Iasi Romania in the spring term of 2022. If they asked me what is the most invaluable part of Erasmus, I would say, without a doubt, the friendships I have gained from different cultures. We are in contact with many of my friends and this makes me pretty happy. We explored different places together. Brasov, Constanta, Bucharest… Each one was very enjoyable. Yet, Brasov was super cool so this is my recommendation to the next Erasmus students. They should visit this gorgeous city. Besides, our Vama Veche vacation will always remain in my heart. Flag parade, color fest were incredibly fun events. At that moment you say “yes I am young and life is beautiful” Erasmus was more than that, of course. Our parties, meals that we cook and share with each other in the dormitory kitchen, our long conversations… Our friendship now have a big place in my heart because each of them taught me something. I am grateful for that. I love travelling and creating bonds with new people. Erasmus is a good opportunity. Everyone should experience it in their youth.

Erasmus student, TED University, Turkiye 2021-2022

Hiranur Horasan

I am extremely pleased and fulfilled with the experience I have gained here. Not only has the academic staff been up to the level of scientific research that UAIC is known for. Indeed, the teachers and professors work seriously and are attentive to their students and trainees. In such a short time, I had to learn a lot, from their experiences, and methodology, which they did not hesitate to share with me. The administrative staff is equally understanding and helpful, looking after our safety and well being, in a world situation that has caused much tension and stress, they are very supportive and very cool.

Rofaida MEKKI

An Erasmus in Iasi, Romania : the best life experience I had so far
In 2020, I had the amazing chance to come and study one semester at the UAIC of Iaşi and my only regret is that it didn’it last longer. Everything you hear about Erasmus is true and, at the same time, experiencing it on your own always surprise you. The other students, the encounters, the city, the atmosphere, the culture, the trips… Everything is good and beyond what you can imagine. I am grateful for the opportunity my home university gave me to go on an Erasmus and so happy that the UAIC decided to welcome foreign students even during the pandemic. I can only recommend the Erasmus and the Iaşi experience ! As for me I cannot wait to come back to Romania one day.

Erasmus Student, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, France

Maëlys Heslesbeux

I´ve been studying for a year as well and i really liked it! it was the best year of my life, the fastest and the funniest! There were lots of nice people. To the question „Why Romania?” I did not know what to answer, but if i´m sure of something i am, it´s happy to have chosen Romania as the destination. If i can give you a couple of heads up, they will be: Try to learn Romanian (the people will love you if you just say something)! and go hitch-hiking all around Romania!! It works better than anywhere.
Ah, and don´t forget the two most beautiful things for me in Iasi: -the botanical garden in Spring time (very close to the University, Alexandru Ioan Cuza)! and the „Teatru fix” the best coffee with live music ever seen.

Erasmus student 2013-2014, University of Valladolid, SPAIN

Jose Ignacio Rodriguez Campuzano

Romanian was a part of my studies and I really wanted to discover an east European country; I got the impression that here in Germany, we know – or think to know – a lot more about west European countries – France, Spain, Italy – than about those in the east. At least for myself it definitely was like that.
During my year in Romania I didn’t just learn things about Romanian people, their visions and habits, but also about French, Spanish and Italians – cause there is quite a lot of them in Iasi too.

Erasmus student 2013-2014, University of Albert Ludwig, GERMANY

Simon Arvo TITZE

The university had with me a great treatment. They helped me a lot when I needed, and I think that the treatment of the teachers with the students is very good. I think that this experience has improved myself , I think that the knowledge acquired in Iasi have extend my capacity to be competitive, I think that some subject and the way to work on them, have given to me more specifically knowledge in areas like marketing, macroeconomic, microeconomics, etc. The experience has given to me more independence, more flexibility to change, more capacity to adapt to a new environment, and have given more knowledge about Romania, and east of Europe.

Erasmus student 2013-2014, University of Murcia, SPAIN

Antonio Vera Guillen

I very much enjoyed my two-semester stay in Iasi. This study mobility allowed me to discover for the first time Romania (which I really appreciated for its interesting history and „culture-mix”, and for its warm people) and Middle Europe, to learn about cultures from all around the world, to be more open-minded, to better know myself, to make good progress with personal development (by being able to step back and see the bigger picture, to put things into perspective), and to improve my foreign languages.
Thanks to it, my feeling to be citizen of the world increased, and I foresee myself working abroad later (whereas before coming to Iasi, I did not think about the possibility of working abroad, and I didn’t have particular expectations. That was mostly about looking for new experience, going into the almost unknown, by curiosity.

Erasmus student, FRANCE

Cecile Pouchucq

The most important aspect of studying in Alexandru Ioan Cuza University is to meet with wonderful teachers and professors. I was treated just like a native and learned from the most erudite teachers I have ever met. The syllabi and the exam systems are both student-friendly, while retaining their wide range of scholarly perspectives. İaşi, in general, is a beautiful city hosting the first (hence the oldest) university of Romania. Everywhere is close in here, it takes just a tram to reach. It has been definitely a great experience to be here and spend time with great professors and friends. Apart from the teachers’ guidance in academic cases, local people are very helpful too, in almost every case we have been aided excessively regardless of the subject. İaşi will certainly have a place in my mind, and my experiences here will be commemorated for a long, long time.

Erasmus + Student, Ege University of İzmir, Turkey

Cemal Can Ozmumcu

I studied in in the Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences – Department of Sociology and Social Assistance. I found that the professors at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași were very open and friendly, and my colleagues were active and receptive. I had the opportunity to participate in several conferences, which was a very good way of promoting my academic abilities. The city is so beautiful (neither too big, nor too small), with every possible amenity within close reach: inexpensive coffee shops and restaurant and really tasty food.

Erasmus+ Student, Alecu Russo Balti State University, Republic of Moldova

Ana Postoronca

My professors from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences were great, as well as our Buddies from the Erasmus Student Network in Iasi, who were very supportive and helped us to better understand the course contents and to get our bearings during the first few weeks. So, please don’t worry and apply for studies at UAIC. If someone offered me this opportunity again, I would take it without thinking twice!

Erasmus+ Student, College of Professional Studies for Educators “Mihailo Palov” în Vrsac, Serbia

Dejana Vujonović

For me, studying in Iasi, more specifically at UAIC, means climbing up the stairs of a giant fairytale-like building, opening tall wooden doors and becoming a part of audiences where academic thinking is at its best. Here, under the attentive eyes of their pedagogues, students from different countries have the chance to share their values and ideas with others. I think that I found that youthful spirit in every person of any age. Everyone was kind and always willing to help, to share their own experiences and opinions, and sometimes even invite you to parties. Oh, and guess what? With your UAIC student ID, you can travel by train around Romania completely for free. So, whenever you don’t have classes or exams, catch your train and make memories to last for a lifetime!

Erasmus student, 2016-2017, University of Tirana, Albania

Elisabeta Rada

The educational system there is based on students’ interest and self-support, so every seminar and lecture consisted of different discussions, facing interesting facts in our field of studying and sharing our own life experience. Moreover, we had a great opportunity to study a new language – Romanian language. It differentiates by its fruitiness, based on combination of Latin and Slavic languages. Our language lessons were conducted with games and constant communication; due to them, I met people from different fields of interests and studying, we became good friends with them.

Erasmus+ Student, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazahstan

Dana Buralkiyeva

UAIC teachers offer golden opportunities for everyone to learn. I was enrolled in the Faculty of Letters and I took many courses and attended many interesting events. I also got to make friends from many different countries, who helped me feel less homesick and more at home in a new environment. Now, I feel like my mind is more open, I gained a lot of new knowledge and I have more confidence in myself. If I ever have the opportunity to come back, I will do it gladly!

Erasmus+ Student, Phuong Dong University, Vietnam

Thi Ngoc Doan

My experience at UAIC has been definitely positive, as far, one of the best of my life! The courses I attended at the department of International Relations were interesting and stimulating, and teachers really involve students in the course organization and in lectures. I had the possibility to discuss and debate with students from all Europe and to travel around Eastern Europe easily. It has been an enriching experience that I definitely advice!

Erasmus+ Student, Italy

Ilaria Orsi

My experience in UAIC was one in a million! It was my first time travelling alone in a country where the official spoken language wasn’t English (my second language). I initially thought this would be a major obstacle because I didn’t speak Romanian. However, I found that, aside from speaking English (which meant that I didn’t have any problems in communicating), people were also very friendly and helpful, in general. The time I spent at UAIC was the highlight of my life so far. Everything was superb: the university itself, the professors, and their technique of teaching. I didn’t have any hard time fitting in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEAA). The professors and the coordinators were very helpful. I got very good marks, as my efforts in studying were well appreciated. My colleagues were very friendly, they were there for me whenever I needed any help. The experience as an overall was one of the best things that happened in my life. I will never forget any moment I spent in UAIC and IASI. While I was there, I kept hoping that days would never pass and I would stay more in Romania!

Erasmus student, Cairo University, Egypt

Mennat Allah Ali Hussein Ramadan

The teachers at UAIC were very understanding and collaborative. They tried to explain everything into detail, especially to the international students. They always took into consideration the difficulties that we faced due to the differences in our countries and cultures. They saw us more like their colleagues and less like their students, making the lectures and seminars look more like a group conversation, in a space where we could share our ideas and opinions freely. Our Romanian colleagues were also really nice and tried to help us in any way they could. I made a lot of Romanian friends. The administrative staff working with the international students was also very supportive and helped us integrate in this new environment very easily. Also, the University offers you everything you need for your studies: libraries, reading rooms, access for PCs and free Internet!

Erasmus Student, University of Elbasan Aleksander Xhuvani, Albania

Roxhena Dyli

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is not just a university for me; it was an unforgettable journey that transformed me as a student and as a person. The departments, of all branches, including Applied Linguistics, go above and beyond by offering unique experiences. The majority of professors truly care about their students, and work hard to ensure that scholars not only graduate, but thrive while doing so. Extracurricular activities are also abundant on campus, where I used to be very involved. The area is beautiful, located in the heart of Iasi. University buildings’ appearance certainly exemplify the liveliness of the town itself, where the past (Romanian historical heritage) and its present are in a harmony. Not to mention the breath taking, spiritual and peaceful cathedral of St. Parascheva or neo-gothic Palace of Culture. Thanks to Iasi I gained several local lifelong friends, who have always been there for me.

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Marine Makhatadze

Technically, Erasmus is a second life in itself. This means that it cannot be replaced again, that every single second is unique. I’m really grateful to UAIC that gave me the chance to be part of this amazing journey, to be a student of the Faculty of Letters, to get in touch with the amazing professors and students of that University. I am thankful for the wonderful administrative staff of this university, without whose work we wouldn’t have done anything.

Erasmus Student, University of Tirana, Albania

Egli Bogdani

The bond that we had among the people of different cultures, nationalities, religions and views cannot be underestimated. The feelings that we shared, the food that we cooked together, the trips and memories that we made will stay in my heart forever. These 5 month made us a real family that we keep contacting each other almost every day making plans on meeting together in the nearest future.
Romania made me fall in love with its nature because during my stay I visited such cities as Brasov, Cluj, Bucharest, Sighisoara, Prahova and a lot of others. The landscapes, museums, architecture and cuisine left warm memories in my mind making me want to visit this county one more time since I still have lot of places to visit here.

I’d also like to point out how nice educational process at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi was. The professors did their best to make the international students merge with Romanian students to make us feel home and not special which isn’t something bad. We were treated equally that made me feel like we truly deserved our marks by working hard and studying a lot. I’m more than fully satisfied with my marks and impression that I left.

Erasmus Student, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Republic of Belarus

Lizaveta Kichkaila


Erasmus+ international students
Erasmus+ partner universities



Bulevardul Carol I, nr.11, 700506 Iaşi, ROMANIA
Fax: +40 232 20 1802

Email: relint(at)

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