- #104360 (no title)
- About UAIC
- Administration Council
- Alumni
- Bachelor and Master degree programmes
- Contact Form Jassy Summer School 2018
- Course for trainers – Organic farming, eco-market and their capitalization through the entrepreneurial initiative
- Course for trainers: Entrepreneurial innovation in agri-food science
- COVID-19 information
- Digital Communications Department
- Eastern Europe Module
- Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme 2014-2020 (ESAYEP)
- Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (ESAYEP) Financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 – Staff mobilities
- Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (ESAYEP) Financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 – Student mobilities
- English Language International Summer School
- Erasmus Student Network
- Executive Board
- Gender Equality Policies
- Iași
- International
- Erasmus Mundus Programme
- Erasmus+ KA2 projects
- Erasmus+ Partner Countries (non-EU)
- ERASMUS+ Programme Countries (EU)
- Erasmus Office
- Erasmus Policy Statement
- Erasmus Staff
- ERASMUS+ partner universities (EU countries)
- ERASMUS+ Programme for incoming students
- #11519 (no title)
- Accommodation
- Application Procedure
- Copou Student Medical Center
- Cost of Living
- Documents
- Erasmus Day
- Extra Mural Activities
- Facilities for Special Needs Students
- Health Insurance
- Internet Facilities
- Libraries in Iaşi
- Main Local Events
- Meet the City of Iaşi
- Recognition Procedures
- Registration at the Faculty
- Romanian Grading Scale
- Sports and Leisure Facilities
- Student Associations
- The Residence Permit
- Travel to Iaşi
- Useful Links
- What is the Bologna Process?
- Events
- Inter-Institutional Bilateral Agreements
- International Relations Office
- International Students
- Internet instructions
- Preparatory Year of Romanian Language
- Romanian Language Courses
- Summer Schools
- Testimonials
- University Networks
- Jassy Modules – Overall Structure
- Jassy Summer School 2018
- Jassy Summer School 2025
- Junior Kindergarten
- Junior School
- Marine Biological Station Prof Dr. Ioan Borcea, Agigea
- MOOC Organic food – from production to distribution
- News and press releases
- Office for Doctoral Studies
- Photo Galleries
- Planetarium
- Praf de stele creat în laboratoarele de la Fizică
- Project Management – Structural Funds Department (DMPFS)
- Rector
- Rector’s Secretary
- Research
- Research resorts and archaeological Sites
- Senate
- Senate
- Site map
- Smart Ageing and Healthy Life – EC2U Summer School
- Studies
- Doctoral Studies
- Faculties
- Center for European Studies
- Faculty of Biology
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Computer Science
- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Faculty of Geography and Geology
- Faculty of History
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Letters
- Faculty of Mathematics
- Faculty of Orthodox Theology
- Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences
- Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
- Faculty of Physics
- Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
- Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology
- Master Study Programmes on Offer
- Other Study Programmes
- Prima Pagină
- Study Programmes on Offer in Foreign Languages
- Computer Science (Master Programme)
- Faculty of Biology – postgraduate programmes
- Master Programmes
- Physics (Master courses)
- Postgraduate (MA) Programmes in Letters
- American Studies
- Applied Linguistics – Teaching EFL
- English Language, Literature and Civilisation
- Francophone Studies
- French Language, Literature and Civilisation
- German Culture in the European Context
- Italian Language, Literature and Civilisation
- Russian and Polish Languages, Cultures and Civilisations
- Spanish Language, Literature and Civilisation
- Teaching French as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Communication
- Translation and Terminology
- Programme de Licence en Géographie du tourisme
- Undergraduate (BA) Programme in Business Administration
- Undergraduate (BA) Programmes in Letters
- Undergraduate Study Programmes on Offer
- test homepage
- The Astronomic Observatory
- The Coimbra Group high-level policy seminar on education A Tradition of Innovation
- The Museum of Original Palaeontological Collections
- The Museum of „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University
- The Natural History Museum
- The Publishing House of the University
- Virtual Tour
- “Mihail Sadoveanu” Reading Room
- “Nicolae Iorga” Reading Room
- Book Deposit
- “Grigore Moisil” Multimedia Room
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University – Emblematic places
- “Mihai Eminescu” Lecture Hall
- B Building – Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Faculty of Geography and Geology, The Faculty of Biology
- C Building – Faculty of Computer Science
- Grigore Cobălcescu” Didactic- Scientific Museum – Faculty of Geography and Geology
- MediaEc Lecture Room – A Building
- Planetarium – Faculty of Mathematics
- Senate Hall
- T Building – Faculty of Orthodox Theology
- The campus between Building A and B
- The Hall of the Lost Steps
- The University at Night
- ”A” Building
- ”A” Building – South Entrance
- ”A” Builiding – Rectorat Entrance
- “Mihai Eminescu” Central University Library
- Botanical Garden “Anastasie Fatu”
- Faculty of Biology
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
- Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences
- Faculty of Physics
- Faculty of Geography and Geology
- Faculty of Computer Science
- Faculty of History
- Faculty of Letters
- Faculty of Mathematics
- Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
- Faculty of Orthodox Theology
- Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology
- “Titu Maiorescu” Canteen
- “Akademos” Student Hostel
- Gaudeamus Student Hostel and Canteen
- “Târguşor-Copou” campus
- “Titu Maiorescu” campus
- Graduation Day – 2008
- “Junior” Kindergarten
- “Junior” Elementary School
- “Anastasie Fătu” Botanical Garden
- Arhiva documente KA107
- Étudiants étrangers