Seminarul internațional „Emerging Trends with a Focus on Food Tourism” & “Organisational Behaviour and Human Capital”

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În perioada 7 – 8 mai 2018, Facultatea de Economie și Administrarea Afacerilor din cadrul Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași organizează seminarul internațional cu tema „Emerging Trends  with  a  Focus on  Food Tourism” şi “Organisational Behaviour and Human Capital” .

La eveniment sunt așteptați să participe invitați din mediul academic şi din mediul de afaceri (hoteluri, restaurante, agenţii de turism, alte companii şi organizaţii). Participarea se face numai pe bază de invitaţie.

Seminarul, sponsorizat de La Fondation pour la Formation Hȏtelière, va fi susţinut de doamna Elizabeth Ineson, manager de operaţii în cadrul Fundaţiei şi colaborator al Universităţii din Manchester, Marea Britanie.

Doamna Elizabeth Ineson a fost implicată în peste 100 de proiecte în domeniul ospitalităţii, are peste 200 de articole publicate, precum şi numeroase seminarii şi workshop-uri organizate. A fost profesor al Universităţii din Manchester (UK), colaborator al Universităţii Cesar Ritz din Elveţia şi al Universităţii Kaohsiung din Taiwan. De asemenea, este recunoscută ca cercetător internaţional în domeniul Managementului educaţional şi Managementului în industria ospitalităţii.

Colaborarea Facultăţii de Economie şi Administrarea Afacerilor în ceea ce privește aria de educaţie şi cercetare Turism datează din 1999, când a avut loc primul seminar organizat la Iaşi. De atunci au mai fost organizate cinci seminarii, ultimul având loc în anul 2014. La Fondations a făcut donaţii de cărţi, CD – romuri educaţionale, a finanţat participarea la unele conferinţe, dar a contribuit şi la cumpărarea unor echipamente tehnice (laptopuri).

Persoana de contact este prof. univ. dr. Valentin Niţă, organizatorul evenimentului, director al Departamentului Management, Marketing şi Administrarea Afacerilor.

On May 7 and 8, an International Seminar on Tourism Issues will be held at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The seminar is sponsored by La Fondation pour Formation Hôtelière and has as theme: „Emerging Trends with a Focus on Food Tourism” (7 May) and “Organisational Behaviour and Human Capital” (8 May). The participants are from academia and business (from hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, other companies and organizations). Participation is based on an invitation only. The seminar will be supported by Mrs. Elizabeth Ineson.  Currently she is a visiting academic at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, and the Operations’ Manager for the charitable trust, La Fondation pour la Formation Hôtelière (FH). Liz organises and delivers sponsored industry/education management seminars for FH in 33 institutions within 19 Central and Eastern European countries. Liz has conducted over 100 Hospitality research projects and seminars for companies in the UK, USA and Europe. The results of these efforts are reflected in over 200 publications, conference contributions, short courses, seminars and reports. She is an internationally renowned researcher in the field of management education, selection and development who oversaw the development of an MMU validated MSc course in International Hospitality Management at the University Centre César Ritz in Switzerland where she has taught and advised on staff development. Liz has been awarded an honorary Professorship by Budapest Business School and in 2017, she was invited as a visiting professor by the President of the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism in Taiwan to develop and deliver a postgraduate course: Current Issues in International Tourism.

The collaboration of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in the field of education and research Tourism, dates from 1999 when it was the first seminar organized in Iasi. Since then, 5 seminars have been organized (last in 2014). La Fondation has donated books, educational CD-ROMs, funded participation in some conferences, and bought some equipment (laptops). The main organizer of the seminar and the main contact person with La Fondation is Prof. Dr. Valentin Niţă, Director of the Department of Management, Marketing and Business Administration.