1.RI4C2 – Research & Innovation For Cities & CitizensCoordonator UAIC: Prof.dr. Ionel Mangalagiu

Informații suplimentare: https://ec2u.eu/ri4c2/

Facultatea de Fizică

1.Design and Development of Therapeutic AMP’s against Epidemic Superbugs, Coordonator UAIC Prof. dr. Tudor Luchian, 21.01.2015 – prezent

Pagina web: https://www.cost.eu/

Institutul de Cercetări Interdisciplinare

1.Europe Through Textiles:Network for an integrated and interdisciplinary Humanities  (EuroWeb), COST Action CA 19131,  13/10/2020 – 12/10/2024, coordonator UAIC CS III dr. Florica Mațău (MC member)

2.European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice, COST Action CA 20115, 05/10/2021 – 04/10/2025, coordonator UAIC CS II dr. Iolanda VODĂ

Facultatea de Economie și Administrarea Afacerilor

1.Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity (COREnet), COST Action CA 20107, 21/10/2021 – 20/10/2025, coordonator UAIC Prof.dr.Laura MAXIM

Facultatea de Fizică

1.Plasma applications for smart and sustainable agriculture  (PlAgri), COSTAction CA19110, 06/10/2020 – 05/10/2024, coordonator UAIC Lect.dr. Ionuț Topală (MC member)

2.Multiscale Irradiation and Chemistry Driven Processes and Related Technologies (MultIChem), COST Action CA 20129,  04/10/2021- 03/10/2025, coordonator UAIC Lect.dr. Ionuț Topală

◊ Facultatea de Geografie și Geologie 

1.European network for Mediterranean cyclones in weather and climate (MEDCYCLONES), COST Action CA 19109, 15/10/2020 – 14/10/2024, coordonator UAIC conf.dr.Lucian Sfîcă (MC member)

◊ Facultatea de Informatică

1.European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics (EUGAIN), COST Action CA19122, 19.10.2020-18.10.2024,  coordonator UAIC prof. univ. dr. Lenuța ALBOAIE