Through the support project RO-NCP_WIDERA.NET (, Romanian NCPs organize a workshop regarding Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area, as well as the quality of proposals in Pillar II and WIDERA actions.
The workshop fosters an European Research Area Dialogue focused on Research Management and Administration (RMA). This comprehensive workshop will feature insightful discussions, expert panels, and practical sessions aimed at shaping the future of research management.
Venue: UEFISCDI, Str. Frumoasă 30, 010987, Bucharest (first floor)
In person participation is limited to maximum 20 attendees.
Confirmation of on-site participation: by 26 July 2024 by email to
Confirmation of on-line participation: by 26 August 2024 by email to
Event Highlights:
- A new ERA for Research Management – Are we ready?
Featuring: Joerg Niehoff, Deputy Head of Unit, DG RTD.A.2- ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research Careers EC; Giulia Carpineti, Consultant DG RTD.A.2. – ERA Spreading Excellence and Research Careers EC; Rinske van-den-Berg, Project Adviser, European Research Executive Agency (REA) EC
- Research Management Roadmap Pilot Project – State of the Play
Speakers include: Nik Claesen, Managing Director, EARMA, Jorg Langwaldt, RM Roadmap Ambassador for Finland, Tampere University, Finland; Raluca-Oana Andone, RM Roadmap Ambassador for Romania and RM Roadmap Thematic Ambassador for Research Ethics and Integrity, „Petru Poni” Macromolecular Chemistry Institute – Romanian Academy
- NCP WIDERA.NET: Study Visits for RMAs – Lessons Learnt
Presentations by leading professionals from various Romanian institutions.
- Practical Tips and Tricks for Designing and Managing Successful Horizon Europe Project Proposals
Featuring Horizon Europe project coordinators Mihai Ivanovici and Ilinca Năstase.
- Institutional Challenges in RMA in Romania – What We Should Do?
Daniela Vasile, Head of Project Management & Marketing Office, National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar , Bucharest
This workshop promises to provide valuable insights and foster collaborations to advance the profession of research management.
For more details, visit:
Contact person: Dr. Daniela Dragomir, NCP Horizon Europe Widening&ERA (