„Alexandru Ioan Cuza”University of Iasi has launched a new scientific journal, the „International Journal for QUALITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS – QHEI”, a publication aimed at increasing the international visibility of research results on the quality of higher education and at facilitating the transfer of good practices at the national, regional and international level.

We extend an invitation to professors and researchers interested in this subject to participate with an article in the future (next) issue.

The journal has two versions (English and Romanian) and it is published twice a year, on-line, by  „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, ensuring the sustainability of the project POSDRU / 86 / 1.2 / S / 61959 „Academic Community for Quality in Higher Education”.

The journal has several sections for which you can submit different contributions:

1. QQR – Quantitative and Qualitative Research (English and Romanian) – this section will include articles based on quantitative and / or qualitative research methodologies, following the validation of hypotheses based on the study of specialized literature.

2. QMP – Practices (in one language only: English or Romanian) – this section will include case studies on the quality management practice of universities. The case studies will present features of practices in order to draw conclusions on limited contextual validity, thus representing challenging or corrective contributions to the already acknowledged practices in the field.

3. P – Perspectives (in one language only : English or Romanian) – will include articles presenting new concepts, taxonomies, models and perspectives on the theories and practices in the field of quality management in higher education, thus representing contributions to the evolution of managerial thinking in the field.

The journal is not yet indexed in international research databases, since it is only at its second issue, but our editorial strategy is aimed at having it indexed it as soon as possible. The author guidelines for each of the three sections (in English and Romanian) can be found on the journal website: http://www.quality.uaic.ro/index.php?page=revista&detail=despre&lang=ro, http://www.quality.uaic.ro/index.php?page=revista&detail=despre&lang=en