Security and safety of HEIs students and staff moving abroad
In response to the increasingly important issue of security in the global world, and to its impact on Higher education students and staff experiencing international mobility, UNISAFE project aims to address the issue of safety, security and wellbeing of international mobility participants and to create effective security procedures, practical tools and training opportunities to ensure safety and security of students and staff during an international mobility period.
IO1: Online open-access tool for the self assessment of HEIs on safety and security issues:
The online self-assessment tool on Safety and security has been tested, uploaded on the UniSafe website (https://www.unisafeproject.eu/) and ready to be shared here.
Objective of the Questionnaire
The questionnaire is made up of 9 questions and its objective is to collect data about the HEIs organisation with regards to the management of the mobility abroad. The queries will involve a wide variety of topics moving from the Role of the IRO to Cultural Awareness, from Safety and Security to Crisis communication.
The outcome of the tool will provide each HEI with a baseline to assess performance and prioritise “next steps”, to support data-informed decision making and to compare performance across time to determine progress in achieving goals and objectives.
Respondents’ profile
The profile of the questionnaire’s respondents may include partners’ international relations officers, experts in mobility programmes, safety and security officers, communication experts and any profile you think can have the knowledge to answer the questions depending on your internal organisation. So please feel free to forward the link and the attached document to colleagues in your institution you think may contribute on this topic thanks to their experience.
We would expect at least 2-3 respondents per Institution.
Before responding the Questionnaire
Before responding to the questionnaire, please create an account by clicking on the sign-up button and filling in the module.
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