Anunt BOMBA facut in Platoul BZI LIVE de rectorul Universitatii Cuza din Iasi! Lupta in instanta pentru o cladire simbol a orasului

Marti, 23 iulie 2019, incepand cu ora 15.00 si pentru cea de-a 352-a editie in Platoul BZI LIVE dedicata segmentului, cultural, artistic, muzical, religios, istoric repectiv al ideilor si mentalitatilor a fost invitat rectorul celei mai vechi institutii moderne de invatamant superior din Romania – Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza (UAIC) anume prof. univ. dr. Tudorel Toader!  Alaturi de domnia sa au fost abordate puncte extrem de importante ce tin de: Admiterea 2019, proiecte de investitii in infrastructura, resursa umana, cercetare dar si despre diverse aspecte ce au legatura cu viata studenteasca si universitara. Astfel, de la o admitere spectaculoasa, o premiera in ultimul deceniu, pentru UAIC, proiecte de 150 milioane lei in derulare sau care urmeaza sa fie implementate, conservarea si securizarea patrimoniului institutiei, atat in Iasi dar si in tara, reabilitari de cladiri istorice, orizonturi europene pentru Universitatea Cuza, internationalizae, realizarea celei mai moderne baze sportive academice din intreaga tara, 20 milioane euro investite in statiuni de cercetare si pana la realizarea unui spectaculos imobil destinat angajatilor de la Cuza au fost alte puncte ale emisiuni – dialog cu rectorul Toader. Dincolo de toate acestea, universitarul a oferit si alte detalii inedite si in exclusivitate ce tin de prezentul si viitorul UAIC•Emisiunea cu rectorul Tudorel Toader, poate fi urmarita AICI

Pe 23 iulie 2019, incepand cu ora 15.00 a fost programata o editie dedicata segmentului educational alaturi de rectorul Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza (UAIC, prof. univ. dr. Tudorel Toader. Domnia sa a adus in discutie detalii despre corpul A a Universitatii Al. I. Cuza, respectiv cladirea veche ridicata la finalul secolul al XIX-lea si care in acest moment este impartita cu Universitatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi (TUIASI). In fapt, asa cum a declarat in exclusivitate in Platoul BZI LIVE prof. univ. dr. Tudorel Toader, cladirea apartine institutiei pe care o coordoneaza. In consecinta si in baza faptului ca s au facut cercetari in arhiva si in documente oficiale UAIC va actiona in instanta Universitatea Tehnica (TUIASI) pentru a o avea din nou in proprietate totala. Pe de alta parte, rectorul Toader a confirmat faptul ca, dupa admiterea 2019, Universitatea Cuza este pe locul 1 in tara dupa numarul celor care si au depus dosarul de inscriere la licenta si master din randul institutiilor de invatamant de stat din Romania. Emisiunea cu rectorul Tudorel Toader, poate fi urmarita AICI

Publicație : Bună Ziua Iași

Au apărut primele rezultate după numărul record de înscrişi la TUIASI. Olimpicii au avut întâietate

 În cursul zilei de ieri au fost afişate listele preliminarii cu candidaţii admişi la cele două specializări din cadrul Facultăţii de Automatică şi Calculatoare de la Universitatea Tehnică „Gh. Asachi”.

Astfel, dintre cei 182 de candidaţi, 21 au fost admişi fără a mai susţine examenul de admitere, fiind olimpici, iar la Automatică şi Informatică Aplicată s-a înscris un singur olimpic, pe lista de admişi fiind 145 de candidaţi. De asemenea, 11 candidaţi au fost admişi la cele două specializări pe listele pentru românii de pretutindeni. În cazul candidaţilor care nu figurează pe această listă, dar şi-au depus dosarele de admitere la Facultatea de Automatică şi Calculatoare, 367 figurează pe listele de rezervă, primul pe această listă având o medie de admitere de 7,95, cu 9,38 la bacalaureat şi 7,60 la examenul scris la admitere. De asemenea, din numărul total de candidaţi înscrişi, 79 dintre aceştia au fost respinşi, absentând de la examenul de admitere sau având note mai mici de 5 la examenul de admitere.

În ceea ce priveşte admiterea la toate cele 11 facultăţi din cadrul Politehnicii ieşene, cifra record de candidaţi din 2017 a fost depăşită în acest an. Astfel, până la finalul zilei de ieri au fost înregistraţi 2.830 de candidaţi unici pentru locurile la licenţă bugetate şi 100 pentru cele cu taxă, iar perioada de depunere a dosarelor se va încheia la finalul zilei de joi, pe 25 iulie. În cursul zilei de ieri, cele mai multe dosare au fost depuse la Ştiinţa şi Ingineria Materialelor, 26 pentru locurile la buget şi 2 pentru cele de la taxă, 19 dosare la buget şi unul la taxă au fost depuse la Electronică, Telecomunicaţii şi Tehnologia Informaţiei, iar 13 la buget şi 3 la taxă la Mecanică şi 12 la buget şi 3 la taxă la Construcţii şi Instalaţii.

La studiile de masterat, în cursul zilei de ieri au fost depuse 111 de dosare la buget şi 2 pentru locurile la taxă, fiind înregistrate în total 1.233 de dosare la buget şi 36 la taxă. Cele mai multe dosare la studiile masterale au fost depuse la Facultatea de Mecanică, 182 la buget şi 2 la taxă, urmată de Facultatea de Construcţii şi Instalaţii, cu 157 de dosare la buget şi 10 la taxă, şi de Inginerie Electrică, cu 154 de dosare la buget.

Publicație : Ziarul de Iași

Lancaster University students’ data stolen in cyber-attack

Records and ID documents accessed and fake invoices sent in ‘malicious’ hack

Student data has been stolen in a “sophisticated and malicious” cyber-attack on a university.

Records and ID documents of some Lancaster University students were accessed in the phishing attack and fraudulent invoices were sent to undergraduate applicants, a spokesman for the university said.

The university said it became aware of the breach on Friday and set up an incident team to deal with the situation.

“Lancaster University has been subject to a sophisticated and malicious phishing attack which has resulted in breaches of student and applicant data,” it said.

“The matter has been reported to law enforcement agencies and we are now working closely with them.”

Data from undergraduate applicants for 2019 and 2020, including their names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses, was accessed and fake invoices sent to some potential students.

The student records system was also breached in the attack and the university is contacting a “very small number” of students who have had record and ID documents accessed.

A university spokesman said: “Since Friday we have focused on safeguarding our IT systems and identifying and advising students and applicants who have been affected. This work of our incident team is ongoing, as is the investigation by law enforcement agencies.”

Publicație : The Guardian

Early career academics need more than patronising advice and vacuous assurances

Those lucky established academics who want to help precarious colleagues would do better to pay for their lunch, says Sarah Burton

The rising level of concern about precarity and casualisation in academia is heartening. Clearly, a sector that relies on the exploitation of part-time, hourly paid and fixed-term early career academic (ECA) employees desperately needs reform, and it is encouraging that even permanently employed colleagues have begun expressing concern.

Nevertheless, I am not alone among my ECA friends in having come to dread these colleagues’ increasingly frequent Twitter threads dispensing advice to us on job applications.

Behind this, arguably, are many good intentions, yet the tips are frequently well known and can feel extremely patronising. Often they are also impractical – offered by people who have not faced precarity for many years and are unaware of the current experience of applying for academic posts. Moreover, their advice is usually deeply conservative and only perpetuates a broken and unequal system.

Frustrated at the latest batch of such threads, I recently tweeted my ownrecommendations on how “secure” academics can better support ECAs.

First, money matters. Where possible, pay for our drinks and dinners at academic events, and make room in your departmental budget for hourly paid and teaching-only staff to access research funds. However little money you have, precarious ECAs have less. Many in formally non-research-active posts have to pay out of pocket for conferences, fieldwork and materials – even though they must continue to research and publish if they are ever to land a permanent role.

Next up, be mindful that while ECAs are bearing the vulnerability of precarity, we are also skilled, knowledgeable, competent adults. Treat us as intellectual equals and take us seriously when we have perspectives on academia that differ from yours. Conversely, make sure your department provides information and support for ECAs going through their first internal research excellence framework or module assessment questionnaires. Apart from breaching our overdraft limits, being patronised, infantilised and dismissed are probably the most common ECA experiences.

Academia is built on social networks, so invite ECAs as guest speakers for seminars and symposia, and offer us career-building positions, such as those on editorial boards. Former supervisors play a big role: check in on your previous doctoral students and offer to collaborate on publications, grants and events. Don’t rely on our contacting you. We spend a large portion of our time asking for things – it’s a constant hustle for mentorship, funding crumbs, teaching and references – and we get shy about going to our senior colleagues again and again. So take on some of that and approach us instead.

Do it on an everyday level, too. Make us feel welcome in your department by asking us out for lunch or coffee (you’re paying), calling round our office for a chat, and learning our names and research specialisms. It’s hard moving to a new institution every year, so be aware that we’re exhausted by the social side of it. Extend this widening of the social network to your writing and cite the work of ECAs as well as the Big Names.

Think, too, about how you can be part of dismantling structures of precarity. Can you lobby for job specifications that enable ECAs to meet all essential and desirable criteria, or argue for changing that hourly paid role into a salaried one? It’s not that ECAs don’t know how to play the “permanent contract” game, it’s that the culture of competition and ranking skews hiring practices, making it impossible to get on the playing field in the first place.

Finally, we also need to consider how we relate across generations and stages of privilege and precarity. Although well meaning, telling a struggling ECA that they will “get a job eventually” or that they shouldn’t “give up” is extremely unhelpful. Our fears are reasonable and these salutations undermine them. Moreover, they also erase what it means to be casualised by reducing a material, structural problem to one where we as individuals just have to wait it out.

I know that many permanently employed colleagues don’t feel secure in their jobs either. Nevertheless, we must acknowledge that there is a material, economic and status hierarchy, with permanent academic staff at the top and, at the bottom, those ECAs working multiple insecure, hourly paid contracts (while also completing numerous job applications).

In between are privileged-but-temporary early career scholars like me. It’s been over a year since I last applied for a job and it will likely be over a year until I have to apply for the next one. Applying for jobs is work, and I’m lucky that this period of settledness lets me focus my energy on research.

We forget our privilege when it becomes our norm, but it is important to hold it in mind when we’re discussing precarity. I know I have more career privilege than lots of my ECA friends, and I also know that – however bad things are – my permanently employed friends are better off than me. Precarity hurts us all; genuine collegiality is how we challenge it.

Publicație : The Times

Dutch university sought secret references on UK linguist

Leiden University acted unlawfully, a court has ruled, in using anonymous letter to discredit an applicant for a professorship

One of the Netherlands’ leading universities has been found to have acted unlawfully in collecting anonymous references about a British linguist who applied for a professorial post.

Vyvyan Evans, a former professor of linguistics at Bangor University and author of several popular linguistics books, fought a three-year legal battle against Leiden University after references were sought from former colleagues without his permission or knowledge.

A judgment by a court in The Hague last month found that the university had acted unlawfully in contravening a code of conduct on how to handle job applications. After that decision, Professor Evans, who caused controversy in 2014 with his book The Language Myth, which challenges the idea that language is a unique human instinct, said the case was “an object lesson on the sorts of things that happen in academia” but rarely come to light because of lack of evidence.

In 2016, Leiden advertised for a professorship in English linguistics, and Professor Evans applied for it.

During the application process, Niels Schiller, the academic director of Leiden’s Centre for Linguistics, emailed four academics to solicit anonymous references about their experiences working with Professor Evans, the judgment says.

Professor Schiller then read out an anonymous and critical letter from one of them to the selection committee – despite objections from one of its members, according to the judgment.

Professor Evans said he was tipped off about the letter by academics at Leiden and then started legal proceedings against the university, demanding to see the document as well as the minutes of the selection committee meeting.

Leiden’s response was to admit to “an imperfection in the procedure” and to rerun the selection process, inviting Professor Evans to apply again. The university did not, however, disclose any details about what had happened. Professor Evans chose not to reapply.

Professor Evans went public with the case, which has been a regular feature in the Dutch media since 2016.

Handing down its judgment last month, the court ordered Leiden to pay Professor Evans’ legal costs of about €4,000 (£3,596) as well as damages, to be determined later.

But the court rejected Professor Evans’ effort to hold Professor Schiller and other individuals at Leiden personally responsible, saying the conduct was attributable only to the university.

On his website, Professor Evans welcomed the judgment as “good news” but added that “it doesn’t make me happy, because it shows how badly Leiden University treats people”.

A spokeswoman for Leiden said that its guide for selection committees had been amended and was now “being brought to the more explicit attention of its employees”.

But she also pointed out that the court had found that Professor Schiller and others involved in the selection process had been motivated by a desire to find a suitable candidate.

The court determined that Leiden was also not responsible for Professor Evans’ loss of income, she added.

Publicație : The Times

 South Korea debates admissions as elite ‘feeder’ schools lose licences

Scholars question whether move against autonomous private schools will go far enough in equalising university admissions

Several elite high schools in South Korea are set to lose their licences as part of a government drive to make university admissions fairer in a deeply hierarchical system, but scholars have questioned the effectiveness of such a move.

The Seoul Education Office announced this month that eight of the 13 “autonomous private high schools” in the city would be stripped of their licences after they failed a performance test, which is carried out every five years.

The decision must be ratified by the education minister, but this is considered likely given that the president, Moon Jae-in, promised to abolish the schools during his election campaign in 2017.

These schools charge high fees and may set their own curricula – a model designed to allow them to provide students with a range of courses. But there have been concerns that in recent years the schools have focused their curricula on the subjects of the Korean College Scholastic Ability Test – the university entrance exams – creating a hierarchical school system in the country. There are 46 such schools across South Korea.

The three traditionally most prestigious universities in South Korea – Seoul National UniversityKorea University and Yonsei University – are known by the acronym SKY. Access to these institutions, which is often seen as determining career chances, is a fierce competition.

So Young Kim, head of the Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), said the eight high schools failed on a measure of diversity, which judges “how much effort a school makes to diversify its student population”.

“My understanding is that this is part of a bigger agenda of the current administration to equalise university education,” she said.

However, Professor Kim continued, the decision has been criticised by people on both sides of the political spectrum, and some have pointed out that “partial redesignation of elite high schools would not resolve our extremely competitive (and now unequal) admissions patterns”.

“For the conservative side, this is a decision unfair to customers of better-quality education. For the progressive side, the government didn’t fulfil its election promise to eliminate all elite high schools,” she said.

Chang Kim, director of the Korean Association of Human Resource Development, said the Moon government “clearly has a willingness to reject education focused on the Korean College Scholastic Ability Test and broaden the range of ways in which students can enter universities”.

However, he said, this might make it difficult for institutions to evaluate students fairly, even if the elite high schools are abolished.

“The Korean CSAT, which can be quantified, [provides] a fair opportunity for everyone…In contrast, aptitudes and talents of students are separate areas that can be enhanced by parents’ wealth,” he said.

“Therefore, if the universities’ fair evaluation criteria are not supported, the meaningful policy of the Moon government can lose its light. The road to university has become more diverse, but how to evaluate the various exercises fairly remains a separate matter.”

Publicație : The Times