The European Commission is supporting us in the organisation of the first European Inventors Week which will take place between the 7th and the 13th of November. The European Inventors Week is born from the success of our previous #HiddenInventors Campaigns.

For your reference, the 1st campaign was launched in 2020. The 2021-2022 edition involved 5 Ambassadors (Members of the European Parliament); 34 outdoor billboards around EU Institutions in Brussels portraying the ideas of 6 young students; the dedicated website that had more than 7.000 total visitors and counting; 2 Live Q&A Sessions with inventors and 2 Live Discussions with Policymakers; and a research report on divergent thinking across Europe, collecting best practices and recommendations to foster inventiveness.

This year, the European Inventors Week aims at ensuring that inventors are recognised, and their rights protected, to foster an environment of inventiveness and innovation in addition to inspiring young Europeans from all backgrounds to harness their imagination and recognise the hidden inventor within themselves for the benefit of society.

To join this great celebration, we propose the following potential actions:

  • Organise/host an event during the week (7-13 November) or during October/November. The event can be a conference, a webinar, or even a conversation with young people. It can be something you are already working on, it doesn’t need to be something new created from scratch. The topics can cover any area related with invention, innovation, start-ups, entrepreneurship, environment, digital, IPR etc or even just a brief discussion about European Inventors and the importance of European Union in providing the right environment for inventors and innovation to prosper (TY can provide the resources to guide the discussions).
  • TY will then ask you to provide all the relevant information about the event in order to share it on the European Inventors Week dedicated website (still under construction), creating a mapping of all the events happening around Europe at that time and giving it visibility also through TY social media channels and media outlets.
  • Share/Retweet the TY content in your social media accounts by using the communications toolkit we will provide in advance (we can provide you with ready-made visual assets and other useful resources).
  • You can participate only by sending us information about the events or projects that your university is carrying out now in topics related with science, inventiveness and innovation. So, in case you want to publish some of your current projects/events in our dedicated European Inventors Week website, we will need to received the following details from you side:

1 – Name of the event (Max. 10 words)
2 – Event date
3 – Location (city or country of the organiser if online)
4 – Link to event subscription/info (if open to the public)
5 – Logo of organisers
6 – Event description (100 words maximum)

Contact: Marina Olmedo Caballero,