Intellectual Outputs |
ID | Output Title | Category of Staff | No. of
Working Days |
Grant (EUR) |
O1 |
Course for trainers – Organic farming, eco-market and their capitalization through the entrepreneurial initiative |
Technicians |
42 |
3850.00 EUR |
O1 | Course for trainers -organic farming, eco-market and their capitalization through the entrepreneurial initiative |
Teachers/Trainers/Researchers |
270 |
29500.00 EUR |
O2 | Course for trainers – Entrepreneurial innovation in Agri-food science |
Technicians |
60 |
4840.00 EUR |
O2 | Course for trainers – Entrepreneurial innovation in Agri-food science | Teachers/Trainers/Researchers |
240 |
24865.00 EUR |
O3 | MOOC ”Organic food -from production to distribution” |
Technicians |
175 |
13410.00 EUR |
O3 | MOOC ”Organic food – from production to distribution” | Teachers/Trainers/Researchers |
235 |
23795.00 EUR |
O4 | Protocol for adapting the partner universities curricula | Teachers/Trainers/Researchers |
125 |
13310.00 EUR |
Total | 1147 |
113570.00 EUR |
Intellectual outputs2019-11-19T10:25:51+02:00