MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships2024-01-15T12:40:33+02:00



Deadline: 11 Sep 2024

Indicative timeline

  • 10 April 2024: Launch of the call for proposals
  • 11 September 2024: Deadline for submitting proposals
  • February 2025: Notification of call results to applicants (TBC)
  • April 2025: Grant agreement signature for successful projects (TBC)
  • April 2025: First EU-funded projects start (TBC)
For full details of this call, visit the call page on the EU Funding & Tenders portal

Newsletter June 2023


Ignite Your Research Career: Join us in Iasi, the City of Creators

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania welcomes experienced researchers within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 Call. Through this programme, individual researchers of any nationality receive mobility funding for developing state-of-the-art knowledge and working on research in Europe for one or two years. It is a major career opportunity, which may lead to improved employability and career prospects.

More informations: Ignite Your Research Career: Join us in Iasi, the City of Creators (.pdf)


Information Event on Doctoral Networks 2023

The Doctoral Networks are a key part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under the Framework Programme Horizon Europe. There are three different implementation modes: Standard Doctoral Networks (DNs), Joint Doctorates (JDs) and Industrial Doctorates (IDs).

  • 14 June 2023
  • 10:30 (GMT+03:00)

The MSCA 2023 Call Info event aims at informing all potential applicants and stakeholders about the important novelties for 2023 and promoting the ID and JD modes. The participants will have the opportunity to raise their questions through Slido, in advance of the event (as of 1 June 2023) and during the Q&A session at the end of the event.

It will be an online event, which will be opened with a welcome address and some introductory remarks, followed by the main presentation of the DN-2023 call novelties. After a short coffee-break, a live Q&A session will take place through Slido.

Download the programme

More information:

Sesiunea online ”Succes la Orizont! MSCA”

Vă invităm să participați în data de 15 Iunie 2023, în intervalul 10.00-12.00, la sesiunea online de recunoaștere a succesului obținut de România în programul Acţiunile Marie Skłodowska-Curie din Orizont Europa, ”Succes la Orizont! MSCA” instrumentele Doctoral Networks (DN) și Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF), cu participarea reprezentanților Comisiei Europene.

Evenimentul, organizat de Unitatea NCP@UEFISCDI, va oferi prilejul prezentării experienței beneficiarilor români de granturi Doctoral Networks (DN) și Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF), care să conducă la stimularea cercetătorilor români să aplice la apelurile MSCA DN & PF 2023.

În cadrul acestei sesiuni vor fi abordate următoarele aspecte:

  • Prezentări și informare instrumente MSCA Doctoral Networks și Postdoctoral Fellowships (reprezentanți EC)
  • Construirea ideii de proiect și barierele/dificultățile întâmpinate în elaborarea propunerilor de proiecte DN și PF (directori de proiecte)
  • Q&A asupra instrumentelor MSCA DN și PF (reprezentanți EC și organizații din România)

Detalii și înregistrare: